I posted recently about my daughter who is self medicating with T3. She had been suffering hypo. symptoms for years but G.P. would not treat as her TSH was in range. Every time she had it tested it was creeping up until eventually it was 4.7 and top of range. is 4.7. and she would still not treat.
Years ago she decided to see Dr. Skinner and he diagnosed her hypo. She took up to 175mcg. levo. but did not feel any better. She then tried Thyroid-S and again did not find much improvement so eventually started to self treat with T3. She takes 100mcg. daily with no over medicated symptoms.
She recently went to the Doctor about another problem and the Doctor said she wanted check her thyroid as she saw on the screen she was borderline last time she had it checked. At this point my daughter had not said she was taking T3 so decided to stop it to have the blood test. She stopped the T3 for 16 days before the test.
The Doctor rang and said she was now hypo. as her TSH is now 32 and offered her levo. It was at this point my daughter told her she had been self treating with T3 and wanted to take this as she had tried levo. before and it did not suit her. Doctor said T3 would weaken the heart and bones but after trying to dissuade her to take it eventually said, it was up to my daughter if she wanted to take it.
She has now been back to the Doctor and she is now saying she is NOT hypo. because the TSH will be flawed as she needed to be off the T3 for six weeks to get an accurate result. My daughter said six weeks is for levo. NOT T3 as T3 gets out of your system much quicker, No the Doctor said it is six weeks for all thyroid meds. and is still insisting the result will be flawed so has now gone from having a hypo. diagnoses to not having one.
Can anyone please point me to any research papers or information on how long T3 does actually take get out of the blood to give an accurate result.
Any thoughts and advice is gratefully appreciated.
Many thanks.