I am hypo with raised TSH 3.74 (0.22- 4.20) and over range TGO antibodies - 270 (<115) TPO 20 (<34)
My main symptom is muscle aches, mainly of the vastus medialis - I am a keen cyclist.
Currently trying 1 grain of NDT for the last 4 days after many months on 50 Levo, which didn't help the aches all.
Also, I have been on 1000 iu of D for a week.
Today, I noticed that both achilles were sore. Not sure why.
3 months ago, I tried the same regime of 1000 iu of D, but didn't get any achilles problems, just increased muscle aches - so, stopped the D and after a week the aches improved.
I understand Vitamin D is fat soluble, so can be stored in the body?
My last Vitamin D bloods was 69 (>50 is Sufficient) in August, but I was only taking 400 iu of D a day then.
Reading up, I came across 2 posts from people who said the same thing - that after trying Vitamin D their achilles were sore too.
Then, when they stopped the Vitamin D, the aches went away, but only after a week or so.
I'd love to know if anybody else has come across this please?
Alps Holiday