I’m gutted, I was on 10000iu of vitamin d3, vitamin k2 and magnesium as was vitamin d deficient back in 2016.. my levels reached 183nmol in Feb this year so I reduced to maintenance level of 5000iu and I’ve just done a test and it’s dropped to 105nmol.. I’m going to have to go back to 10000iu to get it back up again.. why won’t it maintain my level? 😳
Vitamin d level: I’m gutted, I was on 10000iu of... - Thyroid UK
Vitamin d level

Maybe your body doesn't like the high level, have you tested your calcium ?
Sorry I don’t understand why it wouldn’t like this level, with any autoimmune illness it’s best to maintain level around 200nmol..
I have a return of symptoms around 100
If your calcium was high then your body would do its best to keep VitD low.
Discussion yesterday about VitD and not everybody needs to have high levels, trying to push your level higher than your set point is not always advantageous. My set point is around 30 !

Low vitamin D common with hypothyroidism
Your previous post shows your Levothyroxine dose was too low
FT4 only 57% through range
FT3 only 22% through range
Useful calculator for working out % through range
Sorry I don’t under the language in the calculator 😳
You just put the ft4 level into the calculator, then the range into the right hand side boxes. Ie for your results, ft4 20.9, then in next two boxes put in 12 and 22. Repeat for your ft3 results. You will then be given the %. No need to understand language (thank goodness).😀

As you have Hashimoto's, are you on strictly gluten free diet? Or tried it?
Thank you for reply.. Yes I’ve been gluten free for nearly a year now..
My latest results are
TSH - 0.11 (0.27-4.2)
FT3 - 4.48 (3.1 - 6.8)
FT4 - 20. 9 (12-22)
So your levels are improving
FT4 89% through range
FT3 37%
Is that on same dose of Levothyroxine, or did you get an increase in dose?
Did you notice an improvement in symptoms going gluten free?
My dr won’t increase dosage because my TSH is below range..
Going gluten free has been a positive thing, no more nausea, bloating and stomach pains.. I’m guessing it’s what has had a positive impact on my thyroid levels although I don’t understand my vitamin d level dropping so much.. I’ve had loads of sunshine this summer as well and eat a healthy varied diet..
I tested insufficient after living in the Med for 4 years and continued to supplement throughout the 15 years I lived there. There are problems for some people with VitD and Thyroid issues - some research was done in Crete on the topic. An internet search should bring it up ..
With Hashimoto's we often have poor nutrient absorption regardless of how good diet is.
Low vitamin D is extremely common with Hashimoto's
Vitamin D deficiency is frequent in Hashimoto's thyroiditis and treatment of patients with this condition with Vitamin D may slow down the course of development of hypothyroidism and also decrease cardiovascular risks in these patients. Vitamin D measurement and replacement may be critical in these patients.
Evidence of a link between increased level of antithyroid antibodies in hypothyroid patients with HT and 25OHD3 deficiency may suggest that this group is particularly prone to the vitamin D deficiency and can benefit from its alignment.
Our results indicated that patients with hypothyroidism suffered from hypovitaminosis D with hypocalcaemia that is significantly associated with the degree and severity of the hypothyroidism. That encourages the advisability of vit D supplementation and recommends the screening for Vitamin D deficiency and serum calcium levels for all hypothyroid patients.
Research also suggests that vitamin D made on skin by sunshine may be washed off. So sunshine doesn't necessarily raise levels much
Dear Dolly,
D3 is a hormone not a vitamin. D3 vitamins will always elevate D3 levels in the blood just as any source of supplementation elevates levels.
20 minutes of sun exposure to the upper body i.e face, neck, arms. The beauty of D is that our bodies store excess during summer months.
Your D3 level is currently optimal. Listen to Dr. Pam Popper's (PhD) YouTube channel. Type in "D3" on her search engine.
All the best!
Thank you for replying.. I was deficient despite spending all day in the sun every weekend and on and off throughout the day in the week, holidays abroad and eating vitamin d rich food.. if I don’t supplement then I would be deficient again.. I’m symptomatic when my level is under 100nmol.. I was wondering why I was becoming more fatigued again with pains coming back intermittently in my elbows.. with Hashimoto’s levels are best maintained around 200nmol according to the vitamin d groups and the thyroid group I’m in..
no one can explain why the sudden drop in levels.. when I first started treatment I was only on 3200iu and my levels were slowly rising.. now my level is dropping on 5000iu 😳