Since my daughter was born in February 2017, I discovered I had Hashimoto's after getting postpartum thyroiditis that has never calmed down and still plagues me no matter what I do.
Upon diagnosis in June 2017, my TPO was 9,000 and my TSH was 93, and went over 100 a month later. By October 2017, my TSH went down to 3.5, and at this point I was put on 50 mcg of Synthroid for about 8 months. My primary symptoms are gritty, irritated and light sensitive eyes, depressed mood, fatigue doing small tasks, muscle and body aches, occasional shortness of breath, hair loss, and bruising on my legs. My TSH never changed on this dose and I added 2.5 mcg of Cytomel in June 2018. My TSH hovers around 3-4 (.358-3.740 is the scale) The Cytomel was upped to 5 mcg in August 2017. By November 2018, I went hyper on this dose -- my TSH was .0015 and my T4 was elevated. I had a mild tremor and a racing heart. My endocrinologist told me to take 50 mcg Synthroid 5 days a week and I discontinued the Cytomel. I felt pretty well, comparatively, for about 2 weeks. Then all the symptoms returned, most annoyingly, the gritty, irritated eyes that only seems to respond to the t3 medication. I started back on 2.5 mcg Cytomel with my 50 mcg Synthroid 5 days a week. In January 2019, my TSH was 14 (.358-3.740 mclU/mL range) and the T4 was 1.14 (.82-1.7 ng/dL)
I saw a new endocrinologist who upped my Synthroid to 75 mcg, and took me off the Cytomel again she also put me on Glutathione, Omega 3s, Selenium, Vit D, B12, and Iron. I did a thyroid uptake scan and, which reveals Hashitoxicosis and the ultrasound showed a very vascular and mangled gland. My thyroid uptake was high as seen with Graves, but my thyroid levels are all low, as seen with Hashimoto's. She tells me this is the most difficult kind of Hashimoto's to treat and I may need to have my gland out. This sounds very drastic to me. My lab results after being on 75 Synthroid alone were as follows:
TSH 3.790 (0.45 -4.5 iIU/ML)
Free T3 3.0 pg/ML (2.0-4.4 range)
Rt3 32.3 ng/dL (9.2-24.1 range)
Free t4 1.62 ng/dL (.82-1.77)
Thyroglobulin antibody 1.0 IU/mL (0.0-0.9 range)
TPO Ab 258 (0-34 range)
She added a compounded t3 medication (4mcg) in a slow release capsule, which i started 5 days ago. My eyes feel better, but I still crash in the afternoon where i have to take a nap, and get body aches and I still have very low energy all day long. I don't know what to do anymore. I am 33 years old and mother to a5 year old and a 2 year old. I've been living in this nightmare for a year and a half and I just want my energy back and my symptoms to cease. My mom and her sister both have Hashimoto's and they take 125 mcg Armour daily. I wonder if I have the polymorphism that does not convert T4 to T3 well, since they take so much Armour and do well on it.