Vitamin B12: 1189pg/ml (range 211-946) HIGH
Free T4: .98 (range .82-1.77ng/dL) NORMAL
DHEA-Sulfate: 182.9 (range 84.8-378.0 ug/dL) NORMAL
TSH 1.57 (Range .45-4.5 ulU/mL) NORMAL
Ferritin, Serum 108 (range 15-150 ng/mL) NORMAL
Free T3 Serum: 2.7 (range 2.0-4.4pg/mL) NORMAL
Reverse T3: 16 (range 9.2-24.1 ng/dL) NORMAL
C-reactive protein, Cardiac: 1.79 (range .00-3.00 mg/L) NORMAL
Estim. Avg Glu (eAG) 100 NORMAL
Hemoglobin A1c: 5.1 (range 4.8-5.6 %) NORMAL
My last results in July: (increased Cytomel to 5mcg along with 25mcg Synthroid)
TSH 1.170 uIU/mL (range .45-4.500)
Free T4: 1.14 ng/dL (range .82-1.77)
Results in May: (Given 2.5mcg Cytomel generic along with 25mcg Synthroid generic)
Free T4: 1.3 ng/dL (range .82-1.77)
TSH .895 uIU/mL (range .45-4.500)
T3: 100 ng/dL (range 71-180)
Results in March (When I received my Hashimoto's Diagnosis due to positive TPA. all other tests in NORMAL range): Given 25mcg Synthroid (generic)
T3 Total: 80 ng/dL (range 59-159)
TSH: 2.024 uIU/mL (range .35-4.940)
Vitamin D: 21 ng/mL (range 30-100) LOW
My TSH is creeping back up again and I am at my wits end. I have had weeks where I can barely get out of bed to eat I am so weak all after feeling better than I had for 3 years! I don't know why. My diet has NEVER been better than the last few months. NO gluten NO dairy NO eggs FEW grains LOW carbs LOTS of veggies SOME fruit NO alcohol
Its like nothing I do makes any difference on my labs. My weight keeps going up (although it seems more like myxedema or swelling than actual fat as you can't pinch it and it hurts) , I have worse brain fog again, I am depressed, still have digestive issues and the list goes on and on. Are these setbacks normal even with this kind of treatment?