Currently suffering with Hashimoto disease.
Medication: 125mg levothyroxine.
Symptoms: fatigue, brain fog, no menstrual cycle, black outs after consuming alcohol, weak hair and nails, weight gain.
Supplements I’m already taking include: turmeric, probiotics, glutamine, COD liver oil, ashwangda, magnesium.
Test results as follows:
B12 (Active): 95.1 pmol/L (25.1-165.0 pmol/L)
Ferritin: 57.1 ug/L (13.0-150.0 ug/L)
Folate: 6.9 nmol/L (8.83-60.8 nook/L)
Thyroid Advanced Profile:
TSH- 0.023 mlU/L (0.027- 4.3 mlU/L)
FT4- 19.7 pmol/L (12.0-23.0 pmol/L)
FT3- 4.9 pmol/L (3.1-6.8 pmol/L)
T4- 92.1 nmol/L (66.0-181.0 nmol/L)
Anti bodies- 29.8 kU/L (0.0-115.0 kU/L)
Anti-thyroidperoxidase antibodies- 257.0 klU/L (0.0- 34.0 kLU/L)
Vitamin D: 117.0 nmol/L (50.0-100.0 nmol/L)