For the past two years my now 18 year old daughter has been low in ferritin B12 and VitD and has had periods of tiredness and low energy.
Our GP’s are good but due to my hashimotos I’ve been watching and making sure they check her bloods when she has periods of tiredness. This time I also asked for FT3 and FT4 in case there was an underlying thyroid issue. My daughters main concern was her not being able to put on weight but we thought it could be her metabolism and slim frame.
Bloods came back and we saw our GP this morning. These are what I noticed were low and in 4 weeks their requesting all bloods again and thyroid antibodies, FT3 due to abnormal FT4 and strong family history of thyroid disease. I will make sure I help her supplement with Spatone, B12 and vitamin D in the meantime to get them up. If bloods abnormal again our GP will refer to an Endo.
Any advice please as she looks overactive? She’s only 18 so I want to make sure she doesn’t get as sick as I was and I think we’ve caught it early.
TSH 1.94 (0.38-2.5)
FT4 20.4 (10-18.7)
Ferritin 29 (22-322)
VitD 49.5 (50-?)
B12 597 (211-911)