Hi Guys,
My 13 year old niece has ben unwell for quite some time and we have been trying to get to the bottom of whats going on with her.
She has had some basic bloods done via her GP here in the UK. Doc just says bloods are in the normal range. Yeh right. We have all heard that one before!
I thought she was hypothyroid and had an iron deficiency and possibly other deficiencies because of her diet.
Her mother ended up having to go to a private doctor and paid a lot of money to get a bunch of bloods done to investigate more.
She feels ill most of the time, issues sleeping, had a bad cough for months, itchy, pulls her hair out (maybe because of the itchiness) dry skin ( rough actually) swollen face (weight gain but sometimes puffy too makes her eyes look small) sometimes bruising on face (cheek) tiredness, not feeling ‘right’ anxiety, can’t stay still, depression (a bit low really).
So we got the bloods back from the private doctor and she does have deficiencies in iron, D3 and omega 3/6 ratio is way out of range. Her FT3 looks good but her FT4 was low in the range. Doc said thyroid was fine which I don't think is correct so would appreciate some feedback here.
Thanks in advance (;
Her Bloods - dropbox.com/s/rpi9lt4fcqn45...
edited... Forgot to mention she has very long and heavy periods.