Hashimotos??? Or am I just a crazy lady? - Thyroid UK

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Hashimotos??? Or am I just a crazy lady?

Jalisi profile image
14 Replies

Hi, I have been tested TPO 75IUml, my test results say - consistent with autoimmune hypothyroidism, raised antibody, suggestive of autoimmune thyroid disease. My TSH was 6.8 and 14.6 in November.

I ended up in A&E today with heavy chest and shallow breathing. The psychiatric nurse diagnosed depression and anxiety. Recommended antidepressants and diazepam

My symptoms started Sept 2017 with my all over the place period, started feeling cold all the time, at one point was wearing gloves indoors. Gradually got more tired, moody and stressed out.

In May 2018 an ambulance ride to A&E with stomach pain - passed out twice - constipation. I'd put it down to a bout of IBS. Mood swings started getting worse, I had severe bouts of rage at my husband followed by depression and suicidal thoughts. I started to take notes of when I was feeling blue and irritable, it started a few days after my ovulation and gradually got worse, until my two weeks of period and spotting.

August 2018 GP booked me in for an internal investigation of the womb, did some blood tests. All seems fine. My symptoms continue. I was told to get checked for STI's "just to rule things out" Went down well with my husband - 20 years married. Screening done in November -negative.

Tested on TSH 14.6 (I was on my period), GP told me my results indicate I am becoming slightly hypo. That my thyroid is slowing down. I did some research and on the advice of my Hashi friend started to take 4000 strength vit D. In addition to my iron and multivits, magnesium and cod liver oil.

Hysteroscopy in December. Spotting due to my C-section scar. Although I have always had heavy and painful periods. Sometimes to the point my legs went all numb and I couldn't walk.

Started to realise I'm depressed, random crying, anxiety sets in. Putting on a brave face to power through for the sake of my 7 and 9 year old, hoping my husband won't ditch me for someone sane.

18.01.2019 contacted mind matters for self referral for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (started thinking my family would b better off without me and I should just drive off a bridge).

2nd blood test comes back TSH 6.8 TPO 75 suggesting autoimmune hypothyroidism. STICK WITH ME THIS IS GOING TO BE INTERESTING!

22.02. 2019 Got a call back from a GP saying my TSH has improved, I should repeat the blood test in 3 months. I asked him whether I have Hashimotos and he told me Hashi is hyperthyroidism. I said I checked NHS website and it claims the opposite. I asked him whether my TSH could possibly have improved due to taking 4000 vit D. He said no. I asked him whether my depression is due to my thyroid, he said no. I asked him whether this will put a strain on my heart as I have a heart valve defect. He said no.

Did my research just in case I was becoming insane. 23.02 2019 Asked for a second opinion. Got told what makes me think I have Hashimotos - well the symptoms mainly. Got told to see someone face to face.

25.02.2019 GP looks at my test tells me my TSH level values. I get a bit worried because in USA and some EU countries being over 2.5 gets a referral. Asked her whether it's Hashi she tells me to have that I would b Hyper. I'm nearly losing it at this point, crying raising my voice, emotional, telling her to check her own website that is hypo. I ask to b referred to an Endo. I give her the whole lecture that the immune system starts to atack the thyroid - antibodies are raised, TSH goes up, my thyroid will get damaged, fails... GP accuses me for shouting at her from the start, tells me I have no right to drmand a referral and won't get one. I point out I'm emmotional because she's supposed to be the expert to help but she doesn't know what she's talking about. I had the Thyroid UK leaflets with all the info highlighted, she wasn't even remotely interested. I said I don't consider her to have the experience or appropriate qualifications to treat or advise me. I also explained I have a heart condition. She just semi rolled her eyes. Anyway she booked me for a thyroid scan.

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Jalisi profile image
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14 Replies
Cooper27 profile image

Did you doctor not start you on any medication after a TSH if 14.6?

Yes, you have hashi's, no you're not crazy. Quite frankly I'm surprised you're functioning!

I would recommend some magnesium to help with your periods - made a world of difference to me!

Jalisi profile image
Jalisi in reply to Cooper27

Thank you for your reply. No meds, just keep getting fobbed off. I'm going in tmrw, to collect my antidepressants prescription, I will ask for referral to Cardio and request paper copies of my test results.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to Jalisi

It's utterly shocking! Even the most out-dated doctors would start you on treatment once your TSH is over 10. At the very least, they would want to retest you after 3 months to see if it was a one off.

So the reason your TSH has gone down since then, is due to your Hashimotos. Hashimotos causes us to swing about, sometimes you will go hyper for a brief spell, but you will always swing back to hypo.

Was it the same GP you saw in 2010 who dismissed you this time? Do you have any other doctors surgeries in your area? Or any other doctors at your GP surgery? This lady is a maniac, you'll be sick for as long as she's in charge of your treatment.

I'm also going to say, in my opinion your antidepressants are not necessary. I've seen this a lot on this forum - doctors who don't understand thyroid fob you off with antidepressants because they get a bonus for diagnosing a mental health condition, and some of the symptoms overlap. Don't take my opinion as a reason not to take them, but in all honesty, once you finally get yourself on thyroid medication, you could consider stopping them.

Jalisi profile image
Jalisi in reply to Cooper27

Thank you, sorry I'd seen the first GP about my mood swings in 2018 not 2010 - typo. They checked my bloods but I'm guessing not for TSH. I think it might have been for iron which came back negative because I take iron.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to Jalisi

Slightly less shocking if your first test was Aug 2018. But still, you've had 2 abnormal test results, and that is a clear signal for treatment.

If you can, I think it's worth trying to see another GP at your surgery. I'd be tempted to make a complaint, but you have to be careful when you complain, as a fair few GPs will drop you from their patient lists if you do.

Jalisi profile image
Jalisi in reply to Cooper27

Hi Cooper27

I went to see another GP today. She apologised on the behalf of the stupid one. She feels my problem might be something else, however "because it's obviously causing me distress" I got a referral to an Endo and Cardio, had test results printed, got some happy pills and signed me off for two weeks.

Her opinion/suggestion would have been to put me on the pill as I'm not on any. Not sure what that would have done to my thyroid.

Thank you for being so kind.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to Jalisi

Well you've gotten somewhere at least - fingers crossed an endo will help you out :) please let us all know how you get on then!

One thing with Hashimotos is that it suggests you have a leaky gut. Taking the pill tends to make that worse, so it's a toss up. It will stop your period problems, but may make your thyroid worse.

I read your original post again, and see you're taking magnesium - what sort are you taking?

Jalisi profile image
Jalisi in reply to Cooper27

Holland&Barret 250mg, also take epsom salts baths here and there, mainly when stressed out, had 2 in the past 4 days.

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to Jalisi

Two tips: ordinary magnesium is actually a laxative, and doesn't replenish magnesium in the body. We would recommend magnesium citrate, or if this causes a loose tummy, magnesium malate.

Holland and Barrett use poor binders in their vitamins, which mean your body only extracts a small amount from the supplement. I was told to keep away from them.

A nutritionist recommended Pure Encapsulations as a good brand for magnesium.

Jalisi profile image
Jalisi in reply to Cooper27

Thank you, will definitely look into it.

diogenes profile image

It's beyond comment! I've never heard before of such a farrago of misinformation. Slightly hypo with TSH 14.6? For goodness' sake! Hashimoto's = hyperthyroidism! Pls come on ! This doctor is beyond incompetent. You must contact a doctor with a modicum of sense. This one is utterly useless!

Jalisi profile image

Thank you all for your comments I think I need to gather myself.

serenfach profile image

You have been treated appallingly, and I too would be climbing the walls. They are blaming you for their incompetence. Yes, gather yourself, you are right, they are wrong, and I hope you feel better soon so you can go in and put them straight!

Jalisi profile image
Jalisi in reply to serenfach

Thank you so much

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