Got chatting recently to a lady on FB who lives in my town. She happened to mention that she is hypo and been on meds for about 6yrs. Funnily enough she is registered with the same GP Surgery as me. Anyway she was complaining that she was always so tired and achy etc and I asked what dosage she was on and she replied 75mcg (which I thought a little low) and I told her she was most likely undermedicated.
Anyway after chatting it transpires she had been told absolutely NOTHING, even about how to take her meds correctly and when she goes for a blood test. Exactly the same situation I was in until I found this site years ago, and thank God I did, I can only thank you all for what you do, the advice given and the hard work that goes on behind the scenes.
Anyway for the last 6yrs she has been taking her thyroid meds in the morning and then popping off to the hospital for a blood test in the afternoon..........exactly what I used to do before joining here.
She takes her meds with coffee/milk!!!!
Only her TSH is measured and when she phones the GP they just say "normal no action"
It makes my blood boil it really does. Thyroid issues are extremely common and yet the GP's STILL don't even know the most basic of info to pass onto the patient and explains why so many sufferers are still suffering and don't need to be.
I must admit I wasn't surprised when she told me so I then proceeded to inform her how things should be done. I even informed her that every blood test she has had in the last 6yrs will most likely be totally inaccurate.
I told her to go straight back to the GP and request her T4 and more importantly T3 be checked too. I said they may argue the point but for her to inform them that she knows of other patients within the surgery that has all theirs done and to push for it and then come to me or here to read the results. She was pretty gobsmacked when I educated her. Whether she takes my advice I don't know.
So I helped yet someone else on educating them. Shame I can't get things right for myself