Hi - I am UAT, have also just started taking Vitamin D and Vit K, and just ordered some Vitamin B12 complex, and am also looking also to get some Magnesium into the "protocol". Which is the best brand/type and strength to take please - any recommendations? Looking for something that isn't going to cost too much, as these supplements can mount up, also something with not too many additives. What about "Better You" oils and gels, would they be sufficient Magnesium? Thanks.
Magnesium supplement - which is best? - Thyroid UK
Magnesium supplement - which is best?

You need the right form of magnesium to suit your needs as they all do a different job
See which one would suit you best then start looking.
Personally I take Natural Calm Original magnesium citrate powder. Absolutely no additives at all, you make a little drink by dissolving in a little water, I add orange juice as well. I take it for it's laxative properties because I need it. That may, or may not, be the one for you.
Thank you, will check the article out - I find Magnesium is a "minefield"! I also (with the brain fog), find it really difficult to get a proper routine going, when I take the supps, and what supps, I find it better to write it all down so I don't forget!
I started off with a spreadsheet and ticked them off when I'd taken them at the different times of the day. Eventually I got used to them and didn't need the spreadsheet any more.
Remember to not start supplements all at the same time, stagger them. Start with one, give it a week or two and if no adverse reaction then add in the second one, give it another week or two and if no reaction add in the next one, etc. By doing it this way, if you do have any reaction you will know what caused it.
Is it ok (eventually when all introduced) to take them all at the same time? I know I have to take the Levo first thing before food, and the others four hours after, but can I eventually take - Vit D and K2, Mag, Vit C, B complex and B12 (extra oral spray), all at once without interactions?
You could try, see how it goes.
The general advice is for B vitamins to be taken no later than lunchtime, they can be stimulating and disturb sleep for some people.
Vit D in softgel/capsule form needs to be taken with dietary fat, as does K2, so fattiest meal of the day for those, unless it's an oral spray then it can be taken anytime. Some people find Vit D disturbs sleep, so again, something to watch out for.
I take my magnesium in the evening as it's said to be calming and it can help some people who have trouble sleeping.
Oh yes sorry, and also Vitamin C, when best to take that - is it ok to take with the other vits?
Vit C leaves the body quickly so is best taken in divided doses throughout the day. It can be taken any time, I take mine before a meal.