Hi Folks. What do people think regarding how necessary it is to take these supplements for hypo and hashi's?
I keep reading that it is important to take selenium, magnesium and potassium to help with low thyroid function.
I was surprised about potassium. Apparently, vitamin D in excess causes low potassium levels which is common in hypothyroidism 🤔. I've not heard of this before.
I hate taking supplements as they are always large, and I struggle swallowing them, particularly the plastic type capsules. All the supplements give me an icky belly too, and I dread the dinner time vitamin and mineral routine for that reason. If I can avoid taking them, I will.
How important is it to take these three supplements? I know Vit D and B12 is important.
Also, if anyone knows of any vitamin products that do not contain cellulose, I'd be grateful. Cellulose seems to bloat me out. I think it's that whick gives me an icky belly and it seems to be in all supplements bar the Better You sprays, but these do not cover all vits and minerals.
By the way, private blood testing is not in my current budget, so I have to wing it when it comes to supplementation. My NHS doctor is very reluctant to do vitamin testing unless there's an obvious symptomatic deficiency.
Thank you, your thoughts will be gratefully received 😊.