I have been tested for all vitamins you've recommended except B12 (apparently because my VCM came back below 100 so they couldn't run the test for B12) and they've come back in range except for Vitamin D, I have a slight vitamin D defficiency.
Vitamin D 25-OH : 23, 80 (range 30- 100)
What supplements do you recommend I take for this?
I also have high cholesterol... it runs in my family but for the first time my LDL is high as well. Any suggestions for this also?
Cholesterol: 221
LDL: 150
As i wrote in a previous post, I'm a recently diagnosed hashimoto's and taking Synthroid 25 mcgs at the moment (Next check up i will see about upping the dose since you've mentioned that my dose is too low at the moment)
Thanks for your help!! Really enjoying being a part of this forum. Being a *young person* on here, I really believe the advice offered on here from many of you who are more experienced is truly invaluable and gives me (and i'm sure many others) confidence that everything will be alright!! So many thanks!!