I just got home from vacation and received 4 phone calls about my lousy thyroid test (Don't have those results yet) but endo said on message they're worse then the numbers below from March (Reverse T3 not tested this time) and she wants to reduce my Synthyroid (Currently on 100mcg) to 88 mcg and leave my Cytomel as is at (15mcg)....I feel fine NOT GREAT but as I stated the days of feeling GREAT are gone since thyroidectomy. I take 5 thyroid pills which is seriously getting on my last nerve since I have to spread these out so they don't get in way of my regular meds I take.
I'm not going to reduce my current synthyroid (100mcg) but if my Endo is game I'm willing to try the thyroid made from pig gland (can't recall name) if so how much would I take?. What is everyone's take on reducing my synthyroid (they keeps saying Im hyper) because numbers are low (TSH) and I feel fine Im not hyper and I know this has everything to do with DEXA Scan I had and If I never did this scan they would still be telling me my numbers are perfect.
My numbers for the past 16 months including the set below have been roughly the same and all those times I was perfect...even though I wanted to jump off a cliff, I was mentally flipping out until she upped my T3 and changed me to pure synthyroid (2-50mcg )..... Any thoughts? Sorry so long.
MARCH 2018: Retested
FT3 (2.0 - 4.4) 2.980
FT4 (0.93 - 1.7) 1.23
TSH (0.27-4.20) ......0.076 (L)
Reverse T3 (9.2 - 24.1) 19.3