Hi all. I went on a strict gluten free diet on 30 October 2017 and I’ve just had my most recent results back. They look quite different than before, but not sure if it’s 1) an improvement, and 2) if this change is due to being GF. I did also start supplementing (Vit B Complex, Vit D, Selenium) before going GF, a couple of months before my 26 Oct 2017 results (which could account for a change in results from 20 July 2017). After 26 Oct also started taking Vit C and magnesium. I’d love to hear what you all think.
14 Feb 2018
TSH 2.73 (0.27-4.2)
FT3 4.89 (3.1-6.8)
TT4 110 (59-154)
FT4 16.8 (12-22)
Reverse T3 20 (10-24)
rT3 Ratio 15.92 (15.01-75) — never tested this before. Seems I’m not converting that well.
ATG 23.5 (to 115)
AntiTPO 131 (0-34)
Ferritin 124 (13-150)
ACTIVE Vit B12 160 (25.10-165)
Folate (Serum) 15.71 (2.91-50)
Vit D (25OH) 130 (50-200)
CRP 0.38 (0-5)
26 Oct 2017
TSH 4.19 (0.27-4.2)
FT3 5.77 (3.1-6.8)
TT4 140 (59-154)
FT4 16.2 (12-22)
ATG 27.8 (0-115)
AntiTPO 161 (0-34)
Ferritin 164 (13-150)
ACTIVE Vit B12 177 (25.10-165) — adjusted dose after this
Folate 19.98 (2.91-50)
Vit D (25OH) 123 (50-200) — adjusted dose after this
CRP 1.4 (0-5)
20 July 2017
TSH 5.48 (0.27-4.2)
FT3 5.9 (3.1-6.8)
FT4 14.8 (12-22)
ATG 64.0 (0-115)
AntiTPO 204.9 (0-34)
CRP 1.1 (0.1-5)
All tests taken first thing around 9am on an empty stomach.
I don’t take any medication for my thyroid or otherwise, and I still feel the same as always, i.e. mostly asymptomatic.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thank you!