Hello everyone
Looking to understand if this is normal and how to cope.
I had a thyroidectomy a little over a year ago and along with the thyroidectomy Ive gained 30 pounds and inherited achilles tendonitis and extensor tendonitist (tops and back of both feet) and both of these issues will trade places, its seems every few weeks. I've had these issues so far for over 8 months which brings constant feet pains and depression from dealing with the pains.
For a few weeks I will have the extensor tendonitis on the tops of (both feet) and other times I will have achilles tendonitis on the back of (both feet) and with these 2 issues comes a numb big toe (only one foot) prior to thyroidectomy I never had (extensor or achilles problems) and my activities have not changed they actually been reduced a little due to the feet pains.
I purchased new sneakers and taken rest days and still I have these 2 painful issues that leave me unable to walk or stand for any length of time.
I explained these issues to my Endo and primary doctor but I get no help only met with go see a mental health doctor (pretty standard medical answer in the US) because per endo my numbers are good "sigh" being unable to walk or stand for any length of time is not good when youre trying to lose the weight Ive gained (weight gain is in my head) says the Endo.
Are these tendon pains normal and will they ever go away? I do the standard Vitamins (B12, B6, Magnesium, zinc and selnium) was doing Vitamin D (but I have IBS-C) so bad its not worth taking them I have enough issues with the bathroom.... I feel cursed.
P.s. seeing neurologist because of numb big toe and burning skin sensation (no rash) this person most likely won't help.
I keep saying I was fine until they broke me and sometimes I wish I never did this surgery, I thought by doing surgery my medical team would be with me during the process little did I know they would throw me away and call me crazy as soon as my number were considered perfect. 🙁
Anyone have solutions to get rid of these pains?