If you have:
* Fibromyalgia (recent thought suggests this syndrome/collection of poorly understood symptoms is nothing other than a precursor in some form or other to Thyroid issues).
* Hashimotos.
* Adrenal fatigue & TMJ issues
* Insomnia - difficulty sleeping right through the night...
* Headaches, aching joints, swollen finger joints/toes etc...
* Lower back pain -roughly kidney area
* Teeth / Root canal issues
* Sjogren's
* Wheat/Gluten intolerance
* Coeliac status
* Depressed, Black Dog-moods....
* Legume intolerant (peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils)
* Cow Dairy intolerant
* Sodium Monosulfide intolerant (used as preservative particularly with shellfish)
* Having had to take lots of Antibiotics in the last 2 years...
* Tonsillectomy
* Appendectomy
* Tested positive for Epstein Barr antibodies...
If you have any, all or less of the above I strongly recommend taking my findings seriously.
When we take medication it always has a side-effect, no matter what it is...there is always sadly a downside. Often we are stuck between a 'rock and a hard place'...So What do we do?? We take the medication. Sometimes it suits us, sometimes it does not. It may suit us originally, but its positive effects fade with time and usage...
We are all different as as such will all respond differently to any course of medication, because 'one size, definitely does not fit us all!'
As individuals we all come equipped with one huge and powerful resource.
It is our own Immune System. It will be affected or influenced however you wish to view it, by many factors. It can be influenced by our ethnic origins, our Ancestral origins, the land where we have been brought up upon, the food we have eaten, the toxins we are submitted to (recent worries about pesticides for one!), how we produce Vit D depending upon the colour of our skin, or where we live on this Earth and how much sun exposure we receive. And then there is 21C living and the hectic, stressful lives we all lead... The possibility of influencing factors are endless.
Rather like the Ancient Greeks who nurtured our European Civilisation as we know it and can be so thankful for, I too try to think around a subject. I try to join up the dots to get a better image of what is happening.
The long list of ailments that I have started this post off with are some of what I am dealing with myself. I go by my own findings and hope that by sharing them with you all, it may help or even give you a short cut to improvement.
As is often mentioned on this forum, the wonderful Ancient Greek, Hippocrates almost 2,500 years ago, announced that in his understanding "All disease begins in the gut".
From my own experience I can say without a doubt that these words still hold true today. As such I have focused my thoughts and efforts upon gut health.
I have read up on the latest current thinking on the Gut by several authors; our brilliant Dr Michael Mosley is an excellent source of information and insight as well as an excellent young German Dr. Giulia Enders. Both are well worth the read.
Realising after my reading that the Gut plays a vital role in maintaining a robust immune system; coupled with considerable loss of vital lymph tissue - as in my own personal case losing both my tonsils as a child & over a decade ago undergoing an emergency appendix operation to save my life, I realised that my immune system function is considerably impaired, as also confirmed by my GP.
I have gone back to basics and am pursuing a gut health regimen on a daily basis, because our GUT is our first line of defense for our IMMUNE SYSTEM.
I cannot STRESS this enough.
For everybody out there reading this, please take this very, very seriously as you can help yourselves, by repairing the best, most powerful weapon we all have and that we all come equipped with, which is our immune system that lives in the Gut!!!
Due to being Cow Dairy intolerant and intolerant now to an ever-growing list of things, including medications... I have rigorously started brewing/growing my own PROBIOTIC Coconut water KEFIR.
I have nothing but POSITIVES to report.
Too many to list in this post.
I will have to explain, bit by bit, so follow me as I am keeping a journal.
But just to mention a few now:
* My root canalled tooth which has not been doing too well in the past 6 months- with a success prediction by the dentist of way less than 50%...has gone from being too painful to touch or eat upon to being able to be 'wiggled' and even eaten upon- clearly inflammation is an issue underlying the 'infection' itself that my body is trying to fight off.
* My sleep patterns have improved too. I am no longer waking at that horrible 3.00am time. I am sleeping deeply. If I do wake, it is to go to the loo, and then I get back to sleep!
* My headaches are less. And the swelling/pain in my finger joints has improved...
* My mood has lifted, I dont feel as down...
However, over the last 3 weeks I have had 3 unfortunate episodes of 'poisoning' with either sulphites or soya- unwittingly. So this has put me back. All the benefits were reversed.
My toothache was worse than ever, like the headaches, the pain in my joints etc, let alone the constant 24hr nausea etc....
I think this direct evidence will be proof enough to dispel the beliefs of any cynics.
This works.
Now a week later on and I am starting to improve again...once again my tooth is improving yet again.
The KEFIR is becoming like a religious routine... I try not to go without it for a single day.
As a result my beautiful 'activated' water kefir grains are growing exponentially.
They are available on Amazon, but when you start them off it takes a week or more to 'activate' them.
I would love to share them, pop them in the post with anybody who would want them for Free.
Not sure how this could be done, but am willing to try as they are such wonderful live-saving little critters- I am so grateful to them as they are helping me more than anything I have experienced in years.
I feel that IF we could ALL IMPROVE our Gut health, our thyroid issue would improve, our meds would work better, we would have better functioning gut linings to absorb the right nutrients and vitamins that are the valuable co-factors for our correct thyroid functions and so much, SO MUCH MORE that we do not yet understand.
Its a win-win situation out there for the taking.
I have experimented with the best methods, using the most friendly equipment, low cost and can give advice.
I will continue to post as my journal progresses.
Poppy The Cat.