Hashimoto’s, leg cramps, ankles and feet really... - Thyroid UK

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Hashimoto’s, leg cramps, ankles and feet really stiff and feel bruised.

Peanut31 profile image
13 Replies

I’m been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and from the advice of this forum. I’ve gone gluten free and taking vitamins.

I take Hema-plex iron tablets 85mg daily

Vitamin B12 1,000ug, vitamin D3 spray 3,000 IU, & vitamin c 1000mg

Two days ago I started taking 400 mg of magnesium citrate nightly and 200ug of Vitamin k2.

I’ve noticed that I started to get leg cramps, ( a few days before adding magnesium and vitamin K2), my legs feel stiff ankles and my feet feel really bruised, I also feel like I’m not walking correctly due to my ankle and feet stiffness.

I go regular to the gym and the cramps are limiting my movements.

I’m been feeling so much better, my mood has improved, neck stiffness gone, hair loss getting better, brain fog and concentration better, but feeling slightly low now as I can’t explain the cramps and stiffness, and I can’t regulate my temperature still freezing cold.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

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Peanut31 profile image
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13 Replies
Nanaedake profile image

You say you go regularly to the gym. Do you think you're working out more vigorously now you are feeling a bit better? Do your muscles need time to adjust?

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply toNanaedake

Hi Nanaedake

I'm doing the same workout as before, I've just come back from two weeks away in the USA and I noticed that my legs felt really stiff whilst away and I presumed it was due to lack of exercise and my routine.

I also stopped taking my Vitamin D as I was going to a sunny climate and didn't want to overload on Vitamin D as I had blood carried out privately and my Vitamin D level was 165 (50-200 nmol/L) on 25th September.

Like I said I have never had anything like this before, just starting to feel better than now this.

Thank for your advice.

mourneadventurer profile image

Epsom salt baths/footbaths, magnesium gel and oil help with transdermal absorption . Skin brushing helps. Electrolyte balance is out of sync. Have a look at Testing vitamin D Levels and potentially supplement with D3/ K2 getting a good baseline is essential as you might need more than you’re currently supplementing.,

Careful taking B12 (hopefully not cyano but rather methyl, adeno or hydroxyl cobalamin). L methyl folate is worth investigating further. As you increase methylation the demand for cofactors including magnesium increases as well.

Keep an eye on your heart rate and blood pressure alongside bone density. Research the type of magnesium best suited for your symptoms eg I take magnesium threonate which is good for the heart. I also take magnesium citrate/ malate to bowel tolerance split throughout the day away from thyroid medication and soak in a daily Epsom salt bath (care with blood pressure issues),

Then start digging to find out what’s using your minerals and eradicate. Dr Isabella Wenz Hashimoto’s Root Cause is a very informative guide book.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply tomourneadventurer

Hi mourneadventurer

I had my Vitamin D level checked on 25th September 2017 and it was 165 (50-200 Nmol/L), it was very low before and the consultant put me on 40,000 IU to take once a week.

My vitamin B12 was 84 (25.1-165.0 pmol/L) .

My Calcium was 2.32 (2.20 - 2.60 mmol/L)

corrected Calcium 2.20 (2.20-2.60 mmol/L)

I've just got back from two weeks in Florida and I was advised to stop vitamin D, whilst away as I would be in the sunshine.

I noticed whilst away that my legs felt really stiff despite us doing a lot of walking, I just put it down to not doing my normal gym routine, and now since back it's been awful. I started the Vitamin D3 spray when I go back at 3,000 IU a day, but wonder if I should go back to the Vitamin D3 at 40,000IU a week?

My iron level is still low, but, it is improving, tested at 54 (13-150 ug/L).

I started taking Vitamin K2 200 ug two days ago, and also started Magnesium Citrate. I have just ordered Dr Isabella Wenz book, hopefully this book will help to understand more.

My blood pressure has always been low and I really struggle to get warm and I don't seem to sweat. My heart rate is never really pumping after the gym either.

I'm having another blood test this coming Monday for my iron levels, Vitamin D and also Calcium on the NHS, then back to consultant a week later.

I'm sure this leg pain/ankle stiffness has got something to with my vitamins or lack of them as never experienced this before, as you have said it's a case of eradication.

Thank you for your advice.

Best Wishes.

mourneadventurer profile image
mourneadventurer in reply toPeanut31

You don’t mention any of your thyroid levels including T3 and reverse T3. Post your results on this website and ask members to check - really important to include ranges. ThyroidUk have discounts for lab testing.

Given your symptoms you might not be converting the pro hormone T4 to the active intra cellular T3 (and subsequent T2),

This crucial conversion can be blocked by key genetic polymorphisms some of which can be side stepped but with care e.g methylation and testing homocysteine, sub optimally functioning liver, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenal stress, environmental toxins, Wi-fi/emf amongst others that Dr Isabella Wenz lists.

Also consider the possibility of an underlying stealth infection because of your neck stiffness. I’ve used Armin labs who will also check T3 and reverse T3 when requested alongside Lyme disease and co infections.

Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply tomourneadventurer

My OLD blood results from my doctors in March 2017 were:

TSH was 6.7 (0.27-4.5 mU/L),

Thyroid anti bodies was 58 (normal <34)

Vitamin D 46

Ferritin 20,

Free T4 13.3 (11-23 pmoI/L

This is when I went to see a specialist as the doctor just sent me away telling me to take 1,000 vitamin D and gave me 25mg of Levothyroxine, to take. I had no idea what was going on or anything about the thyroid issue. I took the Levothyroxine for 2 days and they made me so ill I stopped taking them.

The specialist re tested me for my vitamins and I tested positive for Epstein Barr Virus back in June 2017 and was put on Acyclovir and given High dose of Vitamin D to take, liquid iron and brought other vitamins.

I have now stopped the Acyclovir as the specialist said this may be causing the bad neck stiffness I was suffering (no leg stiffness then), but, it did not help and all my symptoms still remained.

I started to feel a lot better, then two weeks later hit a brick wall again and back to severe tiredness, some days I struggled to get out of bed, I couldn't concentrate, hair loss, neck stiffness and weight gain, tearful.

This is when I paid for the private bloods and also scan from advice on this forum.

I felt the consultant was just wasting time, However, I suppose from his point of view he was ruling everything else out first, but that's no good when you feel like a Zombie everyday.

Here are the results.

I did post them on here (it was a while ago now) and was advised to go Gluten free which I did and felt much better, I also started taking Selenium 200 mcg a day, (which I forget to mention in my original post) this has really helped my neck stiffness. Like I have said the leg and ankle stiffness has just started.

Here are my private blood results taken 25th September 2017

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 4.34 (0.27 - 4.2 mIU/L)

Free Thyroxine 14.1 (12.0-22.0 pmol/l)

Total Thyroxine (T4) 79 (59-154 nmoI/L

Free T3 4.1 (3.1 - 6.8 pmoI/L)

Reverse T3 15 (10-24 ng/dL)

Reverse T3 Ratio 17.79 (15.01-75.00)

Thyroglobulin Antibody 47.0 (0-115 IU/mL)

Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 37.6 (0-34 IU/mL)

Active B12 84 (25.1 - 165.0 pmoI/L

Folate (serum) >20.0 (>2.9 ug/L)

25 OH Vitamin D 165 (50-200 nmol/L)

CRP - High sensitivity <0.3 (0.0 - 5.0 nmol/L)

Ferritin 54 (13-150 ug/L)

Calcium 2.32 (2.20-2.60 mmol/L)

corrected calcium 2.20 (2.20-2.60 mmoI/L)

Albumin 52 (34-50g/L)

Parathyroid Hormone 2.0 (1.69 - 6.9 pmoI/L

Scan - Both Lobes of thyroid are mildly enlarged with altered texture. No focal lesion identified. A few cysts noted in both lobes. vascularity in both lobes is within normal limits. Appearances could be due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis. No abnormality noted in submandibular glands. No evidence of lymphadenopathy in neck.

I'm having more bloods taken on Monday, but, the consultant have only requested TSH, Free T4, Calcium, Vitamin D, Ferritin iron.

Like I have said I feel much better with all the vitamins I'm taking, but now this leg/ankle stiffness is awful.

I'm not on Thyroid medication, as I am going to discuss this with the consultant, but, having read some posts on here, it frightening me as some people are not 100% on them.

The consultant is listed on the list from Louise (realise it's not a recommendation though)

Apologies if I went on a bit.

Best Wishes.

mourneadventurer profile image
mourneadventurer in reply toPeanut31

There are others more experienced than I to advise on your results above. Repost if its missed within this thread.

What is jumping out at me is the reverse T3 ratio should be above 20 and your albumin is above range.

Prudent also to check your zinc status.

Have you altered your diet to eliminate gluten, dairy, soy, sugar and included Betaine HCl, digestive enzymes and systemic enzymes? Dr Sarah Myhill has just released a PK cookbook which is easy to follow.

Browse through Dr Wenz's website for EBV and lowering TG and TPO Antibodies protocols and also has registered professionals such as Functional Nutritionists on her database.

Another thought : excess dopamine can cause muscle cramps so have a look at a stress management, inflammation and stealth infections. Liposomal vitamin C is worth considering.

madge1979 profile image

D3 maybe should be upped .. I take high dose plus

vitamin K2 mk7 which directs calcium to bones not soft tissue ...

High dose Acidophilus 40 billion per day

B12 must be sublingual under tongue where blood vessels absorb much faster result

A good B Complex is desirable

B6 helps greatly too .. google it to see why

.... and B1 Thiamine is a must

Not enough good Bs in a b complex

Tweaking your vitamin and minerals can make a huge difference also not good to overdo the excercise as you will use up your reserves too quickly

Try to find a level of excercise that does not upset the balance


Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply tomadge1979

Hi madge1979

Thanks for the advice. My Vitamin D was tested in 25th september and was 165 (50-200 nmol/L) as I was put on 40,000 IU a week, so it has improved.

I did stop the vitamin D as advised as I have just come back from two weeks in the USA, and we had lots of sunshine. The leg and ankle stiffness I noticed whilst I was there and I pressure it was because I was not in my normal routine. Although we did loads of walking.

I will do some experimenting with my vitamins and look at your suggestions.

I have been feeling so much better and now this!!!.

Best Wishes

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply toPeanut31

Hi peanut

Don't be too keen to stop D3 .. it's fine being nirmal range but you will feel better at optimum .. also don't scrimp on vitamins / minerals buy the best and in high dose .. youre replenishing your body of all it needs to keep you and you Thyroid Gland living in harmony ...

it's worth it ...

for the price of a night out you can stock your med cupboard with things that will make you feel Great !!

Believe me ! It works

Best wishes


Peanut31 profile image
Peanut31 in reply tomadge1979

Hi madge1979

Thanks for your reply. I don’t want to stop the D3 and will continue.

Last night I didn’t take the vitamin K2, which I introduced a few days a go. This I suspected was the one giving me the leg cramps and stiffness, as I noticed a few hours after taking it my legs were killing.

I noticed last night after NOT taking it, my legs were not as bad and this morning they feel better.

What exactly is vitamin K2 for?as I thought it was to direct calcium to the correct place?.

I’m starting to think I’ll have to be on Thyroid medication which I wanted to avoid.

I’ve gone gluten free (this has helped)

I don’t drink alcohol (never had)

I eat healthy and read the Izabella Wentz books, so I’m trying to do all I can.

I’m suffering from hearing loss, echo in my ears, freezing cold all the time, low energy, weight up and down, low concentration, and zest for life.

I’m frightened putting on weight with the thyroid tablets. I have a major hangup on weight issue, as I lost 2 and half stone years ago, and I was bullied at school for being overweight, I am now a healthy weight and have been for a number of years, but my weight fluctuates so easy now.

Without sounding like a fruitcake my weight issue is very deep rooted.

I am seeing the specialist in two weeks to discuss my private blood results. Do I need to just be in T3 and not Levothyroxine.

I’m trying to understand all the thyroid medication.

Best wishes

Take care.

ITYFIALMCTT profile image

As you're supplementing B12, amongst others, I'm wondering if your body is repairing bits and pieces and you've upped your need for potassium? (Citrus, leafy vegetables, many food sources.)

Peanut31 profile image


I will try and do this, I did see a post recommending Banana's, I will look at other food sources as well.

Honestly, it one thing after another with this Hashimoto's, just when you think you have turned a corner something else pops up.

Thanks and Best Wishes.

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