Hi all, first post here looking for some guidance. Last september i had my thyroid tested, i can only remember the t4 result which was 9.2.
I was put on thyroxine but felt horrendous and after 3 weeks stopped taking it. i was on 40mg once a day. I had anxiety, waking up in the night sweating heart racing, feeling either hysterical or exhausted.
Anyway after a bit of research i came across a study where people were given inositol and selenium every day and their thyroid numbers improved so feeling like i had nothing to lose i tried it. Ive eaten 3 brazil nuts a day and had between 1&2 grams of inositol in my bran flakes every day.
I briefly started to feel better after a month or so but recently started to feel rubbish again. So i had a new blood test done 3 days ago, the results are my tsh is 5.7 and my t4 was 9.7 so i know thats gone up slightly. But do you think it has gone up enough to think the selenium and inositol have helped or is it just a fluctuation. I also read on here about getting your vitamin d levels checked so i did and that came back at 31.6. I bought some vitamind3 with k2 spray in case i was low, is it worth starting on that? i have an app with the dr next week to discuss results but if they are going to offer me thyroxin im too scared to take it after last time.
sorry for the ramble, does anyone have any advice or knowledge of my results and what they mean?
Thanks in advance for your time
vicky x