Can someone cast their eyes over my latest bloo... - Thyroid UK

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Can someone cast their eyes over my latest blood test results please.

knitwitty profile image
4 Replies


I have just received my Blood test results from BH, I took the blood sample early morning before food, additionally I am not on any medication for hypothyroidism .

I do suffer from tiredness, inability to lose any weight, constipation, low body temp (taken before rising averaging 35.8) despite having flushes and sweating (post menopausal so I don't think it is fluctuating oestrogen levels), swollen tongue.

Crp 2.5 (< 5)

Ferritin111.0 ( 20-150)

TSH 2.97 ( 0.27- 4.20)

T4 total 80.4 ( 64.5- 142.0)

FT4 14.85 ( 12-22)

FT3 3.62 ( 3.1- 6.8)

ATP 16.4 (<34)

Arg 12 ( < 115)

B12 475 ( def <140, insufficient 140-250, reduce >725)

Folate 45.40 ( 8.83- 60.8)

From what I can see I don't have Hashi's, but does anyone think I may not be converting T4v to T3 efficiently and if so what would you suggest?

I take Vit D , Co Q10, B complex, Rosehip, Magnesium, K complex & Garlic on most days (occasionally I forget!)

I used to take omeprazole for hiatus hernia and associated acid reflux but have not done so for about 18 months, instead I drink diluted ACV when required which controls the reflux.

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knitwitty profile image
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4 Replies
NatChap profile image

I would say that your T3 is too low and TSH too high and that you need to start taking thyroid replacement but please wait for someone more knowledgeable to advise x

knitwitty profile image
knitwitty in reply to NatChap

Hi Natchap, thanks for your response, I am hoping someone will comment in more detail, I am aware that I will get no help from the NHS so am thinking of self medicating but am a little wary as have not gone down that route before. Thanks again for taking the time to respond.

Howard39 profile image
Howard39 in reply to knitwitty


Sorry to hear you are not well.

It's daft really because if you were on meds I'd say( and possibly a few decent gps!) High tsh should be one and under. Low freeT3 and not especially high free t4.

I would need to know what your d3 levels are as that's a massive thing and how much you take , b12 kind of middle of the road not high enough for me though. Folate i usually say should be around 50. Ferrettin also a bit low.

The other vitamins/ minerals you take are fine - if you get cramps magnesium is good- use mag chloride tho as the others are only absorbed at circa 6%.

I assume you take rose hip for vit c? Just a suggestion but vit c powder is cheaper ( ascorbic acid and better) if your stomach can take it at this moment.

Cq10 is an antioxidant and v useful.

However as you are not on meds gps won't give you any meds now as your tsh has to be over 10.( crazy)

But you still are low on the levels I mentioned.

It's only my suggestion but if it was me would I go it alone- yes. I'd also find out my vit d levels and look at the dose.

If you need suggestions re doses feel free to message me.

Also acid reflux- usually caused by stomach acid being too low bacteria/paracites too high or low probiotics. A stool analysis could help you figure that out. They are all easily remedied - organic apple cider vinegar is good in the meantime but not a cure.

Vitamin k deficiency is v rare- sorry to ask what are you taking it for?

If I can help more just ask.

Best wishes

knitwitty profile image

Hi Howard

Thanks for responding, I take Vit K mk7 because it helps the calcium to be deposited in bones and teeth rather than in your arteries. My Vit D supplement is 25mcg (I can't write the funny iu symbol on my computer!)

I had my vit D tested a couple of years ago and it was 67 nmol/L range ( 50-150) the doctor said it was in range and no action needed, however I though it was too low, so I have supplemented ever since.

My thyroid test didn't include an up to date vit D ( an oversight my part).

From the research I have done I found out that low stomach acid can cause acid reflux ( common in under active thyroid patients ) and so I stopped taking PPI's about 18 months ago and instead drink diluted ACV as and when I need it, and my reflux doesn't cause me any more problems.

What I was wondering was, do you think it would be a good idea to take a very small dose of T3 and see if I feel better, or would I need levothyroxine as well as my T4 isn't particularly high either.

I am a bit wary of going it alone but I also know that the GP will not countenance any medication at present.

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