Hi all
I started taking T3 in November in addition to T4 that I’ve been on for 12 years.
I have Hashimoto’s.
Doctor asked me to reduce my T4 in December and I’ve retested at the weekend.
Bloods are a bit strange. Naturally T3 and T4 are lower than expected given the drop in T4 dose. Strangely TSH has not moved much which is odd. I certainly feel I need more hormone.
The other interesting results are creatinine and phosphate.
Any thoughts appreciated.
Please note that the tests are carried out per my Endo’s protocol which is to take bloods 5 hours after morning T3 dose. Last T4 dose is 29 hours before blood draw (the morning of the day before).
Others have suggested a different protocol but I must follow the instructions of a private Harley Street Endo.
Vitamin D, Iron, B12 and Folate are fine so I have not posted the results.