Hi, it's been a while since I've been on here and, up until my operation last May I had been stable and feeling good for a good two years on Levo 125mcg and having done AIP and massive lifestyle changes two years prior... Since May I have felt awful, no matter what changes I make to diet, lifestyle, I feel awful!
Right now, I am really really struggling. My symptoms are horific; I am having constant joint pain, irritability, inability to cope with stress, brain fog and so on and so on and so on... No help from GP, who says TSH normal (always has been since first diagnosed and started Levo). I did a medichecks Ultr Vit Thyroid check and free Thyroxine hight at 24.55, Thyrogloblulin antibodies at 123.400 & TPA at 130.7 both very high, but inflammation markers low. My Vit D low but not deficient.
I am really wanting to start to feel better and have been thinking perhaps a shift to NDT?? What advantage will this have over Levo (I am fully aware of the disadvantages iro cost and sourcing, etc. but open to that if will improve my symptoms and make headway with antibody count?) Maybe going back to strict AIP and going back to basics, eliminating any foods triggering antibody flare ups??? At a loss as to what else I can do....?
I really want to feel well. I'm not struggling with weight gain (infact have lost quite alot of weight since my operation in May 16 actually) and possibly my symptoms are more akin to hyper? (My sister has Graves and our symptoms are similar at the moment).
I am really struggling so any advice / thoughts would be so welcomed. I am seeing a new GP at a new surgery next week and although skeptical of support, I am still hopeful that I may get some support and wellness.
Many thanks in advance