Need advice about Thyroid lab levels: I am a 3... - Thyroid UK

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Need advice about Thyroid lab levels

cshepp profile image
8 Replies

I am a 32 yr old female who has had a rough two and a half years, but before that I had been pretty okay except always had female problems.

In November 2014, I was diagnosed with fibro (had hysterectomy, kept ovaries). Since then, it's been carpal tunnel and arthritis (surgery both hands), ulcers, IBS, Diaphragmatic hernia, Gastro-esophageal reflux disease with esophagitis, then TMJ (two jaw surgeries), livedo vasculitis, kidney stones, reoccurring ovarian cysts, reoccurring bladder infections with hematura, fibrocystic breasts, then sjrogrens that caused me to get a tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy surgery as they thought it might help. It didn't.

That is six surgeries and countless procedures since November 2014, and symptoms that won't stop. Recently, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis with a bone scan. I'm usually anemic with low red blood cell count, and I'm Vitamin D deficient.

Besides normal RA symptoms, I feel I have symptoms of both hypo and hyper, although more hypo besides the fact I have lost weight, (like 30 pounds without trying) not gained it, over the last two years. I'm about 113 pounds at 5'4, but a year or so ago, I was 150.

I recently looked back at my thyroid levels from the last two years, and I wanted someone's opinion. I go for more testing soon as when I showed my doctor, he agreed something may be going on but wouldn't say what. I'll go for an updated full thyroid profile that includes antibodies and cortisol testing soon.

Regardless, these are the numbers I have now. They come from different labs over the dates, so the ranges are different on some of them. I thought it wasn't normal for TSH and Free T4 to be low at the same time. Any thoughts appreciated. I have never been on medication of any kind for thyroid. Thank you.


2/10/2014 1.269 uIU/ML 0.35-4.500

2/03/2015 2.070 uIU/ML 0.450-4.500

3/31/2016 1.070 uIU/ML 0.450-4.500

8/01/2016 1.270 uIU/ML 0.34-5.600

2/06/2017 0.910 uIU/ML 0.34-5.600


2/10/2014 1.0 ng/dL 0.7-1.7

2/03/2015 1.04 ng/dL 0.82-1.77

3/31/2016 1.21 ng/dL 0.82-1.77

8/01/2016 0.80 ng/dL 0.58-1.64

2/06/2017 0.79 ng/dL 0.58-1.64


8/01/2016 3.0 pg/ml 2.0-4.4 pg/ml

9/22/2016 3.5 pg/ml 2.6-4.2 pg/ml

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cshepp profile image
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8 Replies
Raventhorpe profile image

Hi cshepp my goodness you have been through the mill, it's a disgrace your doc's haven't realised there's something wrong with your thyroid test results, even I can see they are not right and i haven't been to medical school and trained for years and years. Hope your gp has referred you to endocrinologist if not I would ask to be referred asap.let us know how you get on and post results when you get them.good luck

Vallillyann1 profile image

I am so sorry you have had to endure all of this. It may be worth having your antibodies checked to rule out Hashimotos and Graves. You may have a battle persuading your Endo but worth a shot & you could have them doing privately. I think your results need further investigation but hey, I'm not a medic.

Your body has suffered a lot with surgery so you want to get your adrenals checked too - initially with blood cortisol. I'm learning that anaesthetic takes a lot out of the body so it is worth checking your vitamins and mineral levels too. ❤💕

BonnieT profile image

Omg! I'm a lot older than you, but I've also had six surgeries within the last two and a half years. I don't want anymore!!!! I have a bad knee that they want to do surgery on with a knee replacement. I'm getting physical therapy instead and it helps with the pain a lot. I will avoid any more surgery for as long as possible. It's been awful. I sympathize with you. Hugs.

Eddie83 profile image
Eddie83 in reply to BonnieT

One of the many orthopedic problems I had, was knee pain. Had one arthroscopic surgery to clear away broken cartilage. Now that I have a high thyroid level, am GF (which zeroed Hashi's antibodies), and am on a supplement program that includes amino acids and anti-inflammatories like turmeric, the knee pain has receded.

BonnieT profile image
BonnieT in reply to Eddie83

That's wonderful.

Eddie83 profile image

You need to check for Hashi's antibodies (TPO, TGB) ASAP. Also TSI for Graves. Even though your tests are within normal range, it's quite possible you have thyroid resistance/Euthyroid Sick Syndrome. Blood tests don't reveal a whole lot about levels of thyroid in tissues. Are you currently doing anything to supplement nutritional levels?

Before my gluten enteropathy+hypothyroidism was diagnosed, I had a few of the same symptoms you had, including kidney stones and multiple orthopedic conditions. Some of the orthopedic conditions have resolved, but I have permanent shoulder damage (torn labrum, separated longhead bicep tendon) from 15+ years of hypothyroidism+hypoproteinemia which orthopedic MDs had not a clue about. It is way important that you get diagnosed soon so you don't end up with permanent conditions from degeneration.

cshepp profile image

I have some new labs. Cortisol and thyroid antibodies haven't came back yet.

Ferritin: 11 LOW (11-306)

Folate: 15.6 (3.0-20)

Iron Level 127 (28-170)

TIBC 399.0 (250-450)

Vitimam D: 22.5 LOW (30-100)

RBC: 4.08 LOW (4.2-5.4)

WBC: 4.8 Went down from 6.4 (4.3-11.10)

Hemoglobin: 12.7 (12.0-16.0)

Hematocrit: 38.8 (38-47)

Basophils %: 0.04 (0-3.0)

Basophils #: 0.02

Eosinophils %: 0.8 (0.0-7.0)

Eosinophils #: 0.04

Granulocytes #: 3.04 (1.5-7.0)

Granulocytes %: 62.9% (37.0-80.0)

Immature G #: 0.01

Immature G %: 0.20

Lymphocytes #: 1.37 (1.0-4.8)

Lymphocytes %: 28.3 (15.0-55.0)

MCV: 95.1 (74-102)

MCH: 31.1 (26-33)

Red Cell D Width: 12.5

Platelet: 218 (150-375)

Mean Platelet: (11.2)

ESR: 15 (0-20)

TSH: 1.360 (0.340-5.600) came up a little

Free T4: 0.66 (0.58-1.64) went down more

Not sure if it sheds anymore light. I'm ready for the other tests to come back.

Raventhorpe profile image

Hi cshepp you have low ferritin and low iron , very low D, all need supplementing suggest you do new post with these latest results so people who have good knowledge of these can give advice, as follow on post tend not to be seen by everyone.

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