Hi there, I've recently discovered I have low folate and B12, and I am trying to decipher my blood test results as my GP hasn't labelled me as anaemic, but I'm confused about the red blood count ranges on my test results.
The red blood cell count ranges for my current practice are 3.8 - 4.8 10*12/L. My own result came back as 4.48 suggesting I'm not anaemic as I'm in the higher end of this range, therefore normal. But I have low folate and B12, iron and vit D...
So, confused, as I read that low folate and B12 suggest anaemia, which means low red blood cell count.
So, I looked up what the normal range for red blood cell count is and found it's lower than my practice's range for women.... instead of my practice's 3.8 - 4.8 10*12/L the normal range is 4.2 - 5.4 million cells per microliter (which I checked and I think means the same as 10*12/L).
Suddenly going by this "normal range" my result of 4.48 is in the lower end of the scale, not the higher end! Ok still technically "normal" but matches more the other results re my folate and vit b12...!
So am I anaemic? Seems a stupid question when my folate and B12 and iron are low. But why aren't the drs saying I'm anaemic? And why do the ranges of my practice not match the normal ranges I'm reading online? Is this like the TSH ranges that can vary and be out of touch with reality..?? Should I be concerned about a lower red blood cell count, or trust the practice ranges, and view my result as a) normal, and b) even slightly high... i just don't get it.
NB I have all the symptoms of anaemia....