A big thank you to everyone who posted on my previous post about unsympathetic GPs.
Thanks to the great advice here I did some blood tests and thought I would post the results in case anyone would be kind enough to comment. The bloods were taken 4 days after I started on 50mg thyroxine and I have no infections that I know about.
TSH 4.4 high, normal range 0.27 - 4.2
T4 & free T4 mid range
Free T3 4.4, normal range 3.1 - 6.8
Antithyroidperoxidase abs 88.7 high
Antithyroglobulin abs 159.7 high
Active B12 290 pmol/l - insufficient
Serum folate 23.65 nanomol/l, normal range 8.83 - 60.8
CRP 7.4 mg/l - high, normal range is <5
Ferritin 293.4 ug/l - high, normal range is 20-150
The report recommended to see my GP about the last 2 results for further investigation as these are inflammatory markers
Does anyone have any thoughts? I do have swollen and painful hands and feet and severe fatigue.
My GPs have been very dismissive and told me that everything is fine I just need a to lose weight and take an antidepressant! They ran a lot of tests but none of the above except for TSH 5.85 and free T4 11 which they claim is normal and I had to pressurise them and see two GPs to get a thyroxine trial