Hi here are my vitamin and mineral results. Doctors have put me on Fluoxetine (depression) and Diazepam (muscle spasms), just wondering if they are necessary?
Folate - 1.6 (2.5 - 19.5)
Ferritin - 58 (15 - 150 premenopausal females, 30 - 400 postmenopausal females)
Vitamin B12 - 192 (180 - 900)
Total 25 OH vitamin D - 47.1 (<25 severe vitamin D deficiency, 25 - 50 vitamin D deficiency, 50 - 75 vitamin D suboptimal, >75 adequate)
Joint stiffness and pain (unchanged with painkillers)
Muscle twitches
Dry eyes (since 2011)
Eczema (since 1993)
Heavy periods (ever since I started them 15 years ago)
Cold feet and hands
Pins and needles
Muscle cramps
Sore tongue
Hair loss
Deafness (since 2015)
Ears getting random ringing noises in them
Unsteadiness on feet - can't even stand still when standing up straight
Cold intolerance
Low heart rate
Difficulty swallowing
Thank you