Hashimotos/Hair loss: Hello thyroid community... - Thyroid UK

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Hashimotos/Hair loss

Acott profile image
22 Replies

Hello thyroid community!

Thank you for your willingness to help!

I finally have test results. Hashimotos for 13 years. Taking 25mcg Synthroid daily. Gluten free for 11 months. Have symptoms I manage, except one. Hair loss. What causes it and what can I do to keep it? I am 61 years old and expect some loss of volume as I age, but this seems extreme.

FT4 1.12

TSH 1.22

Total T3 67.2

Amti-TG 96.1

Anti-TPO 28.2

B12 1546.0 (had B12 shot day before)

C peptide 1.06

Vit D is good

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Acott profile image
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22 Replies
radd profile image


What is your Vit D level ? A doctors "normal" may not be the same level as that which members have found to be most beneficial for good thyroid function.

Ask your GP to test ferritin and folate. Hair loss is common with low levels of iron, and iron deficiencies are common with low thyroid hormone..

Supplying the ranges with your test results (numbers in brackets) will help members give more informed answers.

Katepots profile image

I had bad hair loss but now I'm taking NDT and sorting out vitamin deficiencies it's stopped. Even my eyebrows are growing again.

I think T3 was tha answer for me.

julesdawn profile image
julesdawn in reply to Katepots

Katepots how long was it before you noticed a difference? I'm now on NDT and have sorted out my vitamins but my hair is still coming out in handfuls!

Katepots profile image
Katepots in reply to julesdawn

I've been on it got about 3 months now, I guess after about two I noticed a difference. I'm also taking vitamin d, B12, Selenium and have cut out gluten.

It's very stressful, good luck!

BRENK profile image
BRENK in reply to Katepots

Hi Katepots and everyone else,I just found this site and have a lot of question if anyone can answer please do.I am so lost.Been taking LEVOTHYROXIN 20+ YEARS and just heard from endocrinologist my dr sent me too that I have hashimotos.I asked what could be done and the answer was nothing but regulate my thyroid levels. I was wondering Katepots how much of (mg or mil) you take of vitamins you listed/ I don't know a thing about Hashimotos so any help from anyone would be great.Also what is NDT?

Katepots profile image
Katepots in reply to BRENK

I was in exactly the same boat as you a year ago after being left for years with absolutely no information from Drs and believing that you just took Levothyroxine and everything will be ok!

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is also known as Hashimoto’s disease, autoimmune thyroiditis, or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.It is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the thyroid (hence the name thyroiditis) and a gradual destruction of thyroid tissue by the immune system.

Hashimoto’s is also a progressive disease. Like all autoimmune diseases it has different degrees of severity.

First things first, you must go absolutely gluten free, it's not as bad as you think once you get your head round it. I'm better with limited dairy too. Almond milk is delicious. Be careful of too much soya as this can be damaging to the thyroid.

You'll have less pain, swelling, bowel problems...

Read everything by Dr Datis Khazzarian.

Research leaky gut.

The immune system recovery plan by Susan Blum is great.

Kriss Kresser website also good.

There's other great books but these are a really good start as easy to understand unlike some others.

NDT is natural Dessicated thyroid. It's actual thyroid from pigs/cows do contains T1,T2,T3&T4, all the T's we need!!

The NHS won't prescribe it you can go private via endocrinologist or buy on the Internet.

I get mine through Amazon and it comes from Thailand where you can buy it over the counter.

You could stay on Levo and try just adding T3 but for me I like the idea of NDT and getting all the T hormones.

As for vitamins I take Fultium D 800 capsules from the Dr as I'm deficient but probs still not enough.

Jarrow B12 1000 mcgs

Selenium one a day tablets

Supermarket magnesium

Probably need zinc ...

Jarrow saccharonyces Boulardi pro biotic (best one)

The company nutri advanced do a really good women's health multi essentials vitamin but then I get some from the dr so now have to buy others separately so as not to overdo it!

I'd get your Vit D, B12, folate and Ferratin tested as these we are quite often deficient in.

Phew, hope some of that helps.


Post your latest blood results on here as some very clever people will read them and give you a better answer than the GP. Their training for thyroid conditions is in the dark ages.

oilsartwellness profile image
oilsartwellness in reply to BRENK

Try Nature-throid instead. WP is even better but on back order because they are trying to find the raw main ingredient to generate more. I like the generic brand, levothyroxine, the naturethroid and WP thyroil are truer to the real hormone with no fillers. It’s helped me tremendously. I’ve also heard levothyroxine has gluten exposure and it has weird fillers like dyed, etc in it. That could be a culprit for hair loss.

Nannacatlady profile image
Nannacatlady in reply to Katepots

I was told by my GP that T3 is not available in the UK. What country are you in? I'd love to have eyebrows again!

Katepots profile image
Katepots in reply to Nannacatlady

I'm UK. No the NHS won't prescribe, it's disgusting! Just give us anti depressants, anti sickness, anti dizziness, heart medication, statins...

So much cheaper in the long run if we were just prescribed T3. Prevention better than cute and all that!

I bought mine online through Amazon. Around £60 for a years supply! It's Thyroid S NDT from Thailand, where you can buy it over the counter for peanuts. Crazy.

The jury is out on my eyebrows, grown back but very unruly! Thinking I was better without haha

Nannacatlady profile image
Nannacatlady in reply to Katepots

Are you still on levothyroxine? Do you feel much better in general on NDT? What does your gp say about the NDT? Sorry for all the questions haha 😊

Kathy21 profile image

It's 30 yrs ago I was diagnosed with mixadema/ under active thyroid and my hair went very thin on one side. Once mt medication was more stable it grew back, fortunately mine is curly so wasn't too noticeable to other people, only me as it came out in handfuls. I think if I was diagnosed now it would be hashimoto's. I am now 69 yrs and have only ever been given T4, I have struggled over the years with depression, aches and pain etc. But reading on here and getting the right supplements I have been better in the last few years. I supplement Vit d (1000) b6, magnesium, selenium.

Best wishes Kathy. xx

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Kathy21

Would you be kind enough to tell me which brand of magnesium you take and how much? There is so many magnesium on offer I don't know which to go for! - thanks

TrishaD profile image
TrishaD in reply to foxglove

Read Magnesium miracle it's liquid magnesium also ReMyte it's minerals also in liquid

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to TrishaD

Thanks - will investigate.

NataschaM profile image

Hi I went and had myself checked out initially due to extreme hair loss. It was then discovered that I had Hashimoto's and been on Thyroxine since 2008. The only shampoo range that has ever helped (and I tried a lot) is the Nisim range. It is not very well known in the UK but you can order it over Amazon. We are all different of course but I know of many people it has worked for so I can truly recommend trying it. I still use nothing else. Good luck.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac in reply to NataschaM

Which one do you use Natascha? There are a few on Amazon.

adrienne1972 profile image

Ferrratin - is the most obvious thing you need to check. I have a trichologist in Harley Steet who won't do anything until my ferritin is above 80. It started on 24. My daughter started taking it 6 months ago too and she said she feels like she has won the lottery with the hangs in her hair. It can only go up around 8 a month max though.

adrienne1972 profile image

* change

NataschaM profile image

I use the Nisim Bio Factors Hair Loss Shampoo. I have used all their products but find this one stopped the hair loss and maintains as well.

Hellobarfi profile image


Really sorry to hear about your diagnosis but i promise it does get better.

I have had undiagnosed hashimotos for over 15 years - finally recently been diagnosed by a private endo. I lost almost 80% of my hair but its FINALLY growing back. There is hope.

What helped me? I read a book by Dr izabella wentz called " Hashimotos Root cause" . It was very valuable and has tons of info.

Also i started ndt ( nutrimeds bovine ) and t3 . That for me was the key. Ive noticed if the dose is too low the hairloss would increase. Once the dose was adjusted it stopped.

And of course get your ferritin and vitamin d checked. I currently take a supplement called florisene aswell as vitamin d.

Hope that helped.

Jump1 profile image
Jump1 in reply to Hellobarfi

Hello does the dr give you ndt? Dr is sending me a prescription for t3 20 mg to try half a tablet a day. My antibodies 91. Tsh 2.77 all vitamins et all good. Folate is very high prob because of all the floradix i have been supplementing with. Devastating hair loss everywhere. I look sick with it. I have swelling on and off in my hands and feet. I dont sweat anymore i have put on weight. I catch every cold going. I have drooping eyelid. Shorter periods. Always freezing skin everywhere on body always feels cold. The little hole area at the centre of my neck today i notcied i can feel thickened skin underneath my skin there. Pat 38 years all i have felt ir skin and my bones. It feels like the skin under it has thickened. Worse symptom my devastatting hair loss. I want to die it is that bad. 2 years no life no social interaction aavoiding people all the time i go to work and come home. It has been 2 years since i went out for a night. I dont want anyone seeig me. I cannot let my hair down because the hair qouldnt stop fallif out if i did. Will t3 improve hair? I am so desperate. I feel like i am nearly at the end of my road with this. I dont want to wake in the mornings. I cant go much longer waking up and experieiencing this loss.

Eddie83 profile image

I was losing hair like mad when I had low FT3, and the adrenal stress that goes with hypothyroid.

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