Has anyone who has experience thyroid hair loss from brows and lashes tried a combination drug or add T3. If so has it helped? Currently taking T4 only. Increased levo two years ago to stop under active symptoms but hair loss continued.
Blood now upper range of normal.
Vit D, B12 well within normal range. ferritin 49 (10-291)
T4 20.6(11-22), T3 1.8(1.3-3.1)free T3 49(3.1-6.8) TSH is very low0.05(0.3-5)
Thyroid peroxidase 28(60)
Can anyone advise?
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TSH and FT4 are good. I assume FT3 is 4.9 which is also good.
TPO is negative for autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's) but Hashimoto's can't be conclusively ruled out as some people are positive for thyroglobulin antibodies instead of TPO.
Ferritin is low. Needs to be >70 for hair regrowth. Supplementing iron will raise ferritin. Take each tablet with 1,000mg vitamin C to aid absorption and minimise constipation. Take iron 4 hours away from Levothyroxine.
Thank you. Really good reply. I'm taking liquid iron and ironing has doubled in 3 months. Autoimmune test was negative but no range. I read that levothyroxine can cause hair loss but NHS won't change the drug. I'm also under a dermatologist who believes it's my thyroid function but this has come back normal. I wait months for an appt and the hair doesn't grow back. It's been 3 yrs and the hair loss gets worse. Also effecting my hearing.
You could try adding a little T3 to Levothyroxine but there's no guarantee it will improve hair regrowth. Some people have found T3 also causes hair loss.
I know I've bought T3 25ml but I'm frightened to take it as may need to reduce T4. I have no idea of dose to take and Dr won't help so I will have to go it alone. It's scary.
I don't think you need to reduce Levothyroxine. Quarter the tablet into 6.25mcg doses and take 6.25mcg with your Levothyroxine. FT3 4.9 is quite good so I would stick with 6.25mcg for 8 weeks and have a thyroid test including FT3 before increasing further.
Hi, forgot to say that my T3 is only 1.8 thought. It's in range but low also TSH low out of range. I was reading there is a link between these two tests and hair loss when out of range. Xx
I've not heard any association between TSH and hair loss. You are going to add T3 to your Levothyroxine so that will raise FT3 into the upper third of range.
I have the same trouble, I havn't bought it yet as my Doctor wont tell me what to take, though the last time I went she asked if I had bought any yet ! Yea its scary
Don't tell them and get your T3 tests done private. If the NHS find your doing this private they will prescribe it. Also I threaten with no more blood tests.
Hi my Doc has said I can only get it privately like another of her patients, this is huge breakthrough for me, to talk about it! I asked if it could be on named patient basis but a big no so need to work on this one 😳Good luck and with the ironing 😊 Me too 😊
I am also having hair loss for years, I try everything to get it back, but no help. I heard that flaxseed or the oil, will boost hair growth due to the strong Omega-3 intake. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm hopeful it will work.
Please send an update in your progress. I've noticed slight increase in body hair. But no change with eyebrows or scalp. I'm taking biotin, iron and miracle hair grow from eBay. It's concentrated vitamin A,C and E. Xxx
You must get vitamin D levels tested before supplementing as too much can build up to toxic levels. GP should ring the lab and arrange for testing. Give the GP a list of symptoms and it might help him/her to get vitamin levels tested. The NHS need a reason to test and having thyroid disease is not enough reason apparently.
Do not take iron with any other vitamiins as it will affect absorption. You also must test iron levels before and during supplementation so you either need to pay for tests through a private lab, you can find reliable ones listed on Thyroid UK's website or enlist the help of your GP to test levels. Get a print out of your actual vitamin levels results as well as the lab ranges as being within the normal range dosen't help you judge where in the normal range you are.
B vitamins and vitamin D are better taken in the day otherwise they can disrupt sleep. VitD is best taken with the fattiest meal of the day as it aids absorption. You need to check whether iron is to be taken with or away from food. Be careful that liquid iron doesn't discolour your teeth. Some people take it through a straw to avoid discolouring them.
I don't know what vitamin ACE is.
The lab has no business rejecting your GP's request to check vitamin levels. Your GP should have insisted. If your GP won't you can order private vitamin and mineral tests via thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/testin...
Thank you. The practice give do their best and it's three weeks for a phone call form one of them.They won't request it again as I had to push for the test request. They just tell me everything is normal which it is on paper but my hair falling out. I'm not getting anywhere and if carry on waiting for them I will be bald in the next few years. Xxxx
You can order your own thyroid test 6-8 weeks after adding T3. thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/testin... Blue Horizone Thyroid Plus 11 and Medichecks UltraVits include vitamins and minerals.
If ferritin is high you should not supplement iron. Please write your own post and include your thyroid results and ranges and results and ranges for ferritin, iron, vitamin D, B12 and folate if you have them and members will advise.
Yes and their very good but it's the cost. Paid over £200 for rt3 which was positive (Dr's won't recognise this) test also had to go private for T3 and free T3 as lab didn't send these back either. They will only test T4 or T3 and not both. Confused with RT3 tho as my absorption could be better but isn't that low.xx
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.
All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results
Vitamin supplements are best as separate ones, no multivitamins
Vitamin C for adrenal support and helps ferrous fumerate absorption.
Vitamin D, only if showed to be low by testing. If supplementing vitamin D then often magnesium helps too
B12 sublingual lozenges and vitamin B complex if B12 and folate are low
Hi, I have been tested for everything listed and we're levels were fine. Haven't been tested for TT4 thought. So Dr says everything is normal which it appears to be. Even mineral level are good.
Also had testosterone and estrogen check and all in normal range. Antibodies are also fine. Deep down I know it's the thyroid as hair loss stops when levothyroxine dose is high and T4 over range. I doubt it will be vitamin as Dr supplements haven't helped but I'm willing to give it a go.
So like many, you only get high enough conversion if your take what GP consider too much Levothyroxine.
But if that's what you need, that's what you need
The alternative is to add small dose of T3
Dr Toft, past president of the British Thyroid Association and leading endocrinologist, states in Pulse Magazine,
"The appropriate dose of levothyroxine is that which restores euthyroidism and serum TSH to the lower part of the reference range - 0.2-0.5mU/l.
In this case, free thyroxine is likely to be in the upper part of its reference range or even slightly elevated – 18-22pmol/l.
Most patients will feel well in that circumstance. But some need a higher dose of levothyroxine to suppress serum TSH and then the serum-free T4 concentration will be elevated at around 24-28pmol/l.
This 'exogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism' is not dangerous as long as serum T3 is unequivocally normal – that is, serum total around T3 1.7nmol/l (reference range 1.0-2.2nmol/l)."
You can obtain a copy of the articles from Thyroid UK email print it and highlight question 6 to show your doctor please email Dionne: tukadmin@thyroiduk.org
Prof Toft - article just published now saying T3 is likely essential for many
Thank you I'll try but their unlikely to prescribe T4. Dr said everyone on it is being transferred to T4 only. Endocrinologist said if he finds I'm using he will discharge me.
He know I would get worse he lowered the dose. I would like to sue the son of a b...h!
Anyone experienced hair loss from levothyroxine. I've been taking it for 13 yrs now?
I would concentrate on raising your ferritin. According to some experts levels of at least 40 are required to stop hair loss, while levels of at least 70 are needed for hair regrowth and for T4 and/or T3 to be utilised by your body properly.
For years my hair has been falling out excessively and just recently my ferritin has been addressed and it's around that level now. All of my hair stopped falling out and so far my brows are slowly growing back. They were extremely patchy.
That is good news. I think it could be linked to levothyroxine as well. Do you have thyroid problem.
My improved with iron but the endocrinologist lowered my thyroid meds to bring T4 in range and it's everywhere again. So it is linked to thyroid and not just vitamin. Xx
Yes, I have Hashi. When started on levo in the 1st few months I've lost loads of hair. Literally bold patches here and there. Each time I was looking in the mirror or even taking about it, I was crying my eyes out. Then it slowed down somewhat. For all of those years I was undermedicated too.
I'm on an appropriate dose now and ferritin is good, hair will slowly grow back.
Isn't it terrible what we go through. I'm barely holding it together. My GP told me to clear my mind get some air but no change of medication. Why can't they just be honest. Xx
Sadly they are thought to stick to blood tests and don't know any better. My previous GP practice and all doctors there were so bad I actually stopped going and was only collecting my levo script. 90% of blood tests came back abnormal and they were lying in my face everything is fine. I only found out about it when I moved, found a new GP (they're not perfect but much better than any other before) and got online access to all my previous records.
It's terrible. Claim to be in a caring professional. I feel I'm being laid to but I can see my blood tests are normal. I have online access to my records but I can't see the clinical notes. I feel that GPs have seen all this before and they know how to treat illness even if blood are in normal range. Xc
My eyebrows have past patchy now lol. Been looking brows for nearly 4yrs and didn't know why. Should have started treating myself yrs ago. My scalp hair now thinning which is a worry.
Do you think it could Levothyroxine. I'm thinking that. Are you still taking it. I'm so happy for you that your hair coming back. I'm over medicated now but hair started falling out when I went into normal range. X
Levo definitely has some effect on hair. To what extent hard for me to say. Brows started to grow when my dose was increased. However, for the past week or so I've been on a combination treatment now. Levo reduced and liothyronine added. So far haven't noticed any negatives in terms of hair growth/loss.
Yes I have lost all my eyebrows and a lot hair from my body , a small amount from my head tried to find out but they keep saying it will grow back 4 years on still no hair
I'm thinking it maybe too high a dose of hormone treatment a a neighbor of mine had the same problem when her Dr prescribed a high dose if hormone( synthroid or levo), and she almost died,and lost ALL of her body hair, everywhere on her body! So always check your levels and ask what the safe levels are for your body.
My Dr did same, but with me,bit made me feel like was having a heart attack, and was very scared. She was not honest about the dosage levels and I found out from FDA, that she wasn't supposed to increase it that high so fast. Am going to another Dr soon. I need some honest answers!!!
I had a part thyroidectomy and was treated with 50 ml Lebo afterwards. I was severely under treated for years. My levothyroxine was doubled by another Dr and I felt good in a couple of months. It gave me my life back. But family have said that my scalp and brows starting thinning when my levothyroxine was increased so I think hair loss is side effect of the drug.
Patients have a right to know the side effects but Dr don't tell us. X
Can you post the results for your vitamin tests. Like thyroid meds it's where in the range that matters or search for SeasideSusie as her advice on vits etc is spot on. That's why multivitamins are no good, we need to treat individual ones where necessary.
My B12 was 525 told normal but range 181-910. Vit D was mid normal range. That was taken about six months back so don't have that result now. I'm taking daily dose of vit D. Lab rejected other vit tests. Lol thanks xx
I have had no eyebrows or lashes for about 8 years, and my hair is a lot thinner. I find its just part of the 'parcel', I have also put on about 8 stone over the last 15 years. I have been looking into taking T3 as I have read that those who take it have lost lots of weight but Doctors don't prescribe it anymore because NHS sat it is too expensive. I have been on Internet thinking of purchasing it myself and have been trying to find out the dosage I should take but no success so far and my Doctor won't tell me.
It's frustrating that were all hitting the same brick wall. I was also under treated but now over treated but the hair is still coming out. I do believe T3 could be the answer. Xx
I know what you mean. I've had this problem most of my life and they STILL can't get me on proper dosage. I'm going to go to an endocronologist soon and I pray they can get me back on track. I'm reading up as much as possible for now, hoping I can find a way to keep from getting worse.
Are you based in Britain or the USA. I sent a Lync for a US thyroid treatment site but I think they treat abroad. I'll look it up and send it to you. Good luck with the specialist. X
USA, I read all I can about nutrition cause it plays an important part in helping the hormones work better for us. Selenium, Omega 3s, (flaxseed oil, fresh fish, collagen, are a few nutrients that help hair growth, amongst vitamin E, A, magnesium, B complex vitamins,folic acid, biotin,lecithin, pantothenic acid, Paba, are a good variety to start checking into. I started taking some of these and some of my hair filled back in, it doesn't grow much, but at least I don't have the bald spots anymore. Always check for safe dosage levels on ANYTHING or can cause other problems. Plus, some foods inhibit hair growth cause they interfere with the thyroid's function. Look up on Google, you'll find all kinds of info on these ingredients.Best of luck to ALL of you struggling with these issues!
I went to a trichologist about my hair loss and he said it was due to the levothyroxine. He suggested I use Regaine - twice a day for life!!
Thanks to this site, I have started supplementing and my ferritin level is going up very slowly. I am still losing hair but no where near as much as a year ago.
By the way, it may be of interest to some, that I had blood tests done when in France. Results the next day and it worked out about 20 euros per item....
I'm also using regime but it's not helping much. Did the hair consultant suggest any other form of medication. Could you post more information on the company that took your bloods please. Xxx
How strange , I was thinking of doing a post about hair loss today and you beat me to it. I have had very little body hair since diagnosis 20 + years ago. Recently I have noticed that the outer half of my lower lashes have gone and on reflection my eyebrows are pretty sparse too. I am on T4 /T3 combo and my lovely GP has just increased my T3 slightly. A recent ferritin was low in range and I have started taking iron supplements so 🤞my eyelashes will start to reappear. I have been putting a serum on them as well.
I am in the Leicestershire. I have been on T3 for about 7 years. It was originally prescribed by an endocrinologist and my GP says as long as it is on the list she will prescribe it. Some years ago when I was concerned about T3 disappearing and she said she would help me get NDT if necessary. My TSH is very low but my latest bloods showed T4 and T3 lowish in the normal range and I have been feeling symptomatic again which is why she increased the dose. I need to get bloods done again in a couple of months. I have also been trying to optimise my supplements. I have just ordered some biotin to see if that will help hair growth. It's only really my eyelashes that concern me and that is pure vanity ! Will need to stop that before next bloods as i have discovered it interferes with assays.
I should probably also declare that I am a retired doctor which may mean that I am treated slightly more favourably which I know is not fair.
Hi I have the same problem all my readings are good for TSH and vitamins. I only started losing hair when they told me I had Thyroid problems and put me on Levo I didn't really feel unwell and I recently asked my GP if the Levo was the cause of the hairloss which he adamantly disagreed with. I have also suffered from patches of dry itchy skin as well as my scalp being itchy. I am toying with the idea of coming off medication as I did not feel that bad before.
Hi, I have read that levothyroxine does cause hair loss if taken in excess of prolonged time. Sounds like you're still having underactive symptoms. Ask if there is an alternative T4 before coming off it.
I've also feeling thinking bout coming off it but was told not to.
Sounds like you're on too high a dose. My Dr prescribed a much higher dose a yr ago and it affected my heart and my hair, so you have to read your labs and make sure you aren't being " overdosed" cause too much is just as bad as too little. My Dr didn't tell me this till just last month, gee, I wonder WHY?????
I under dosed which I believe caused hearing loss. When I went into low end of normal my hair starting falling out badly. Burning temperature in my hands which I couldn't stand. So they increased the dose and the hair loss stopped but had to keep increasing the dose to stop the temperature. Now back on old dose to drop my TSH and literally can't keep my eyes open past 3.p.m. so hard when you work time.
I want my bloods bad to low but I can't function so I don't know that he answer. X
I feel like we're all guinea pigs to these Dr's who get kickbacks from prescribing more drugs than trying to educate us on vitamin levels to help sustain healthy levels of hormones. They don't care about our " consequences" of not getting right dose or type of treatment, we have to do our own research, where as, they most likely know the answers but won't discuss. They want that money from your prescriptions, if you have problems, that's our burden, not theirs. Like someone said, they only go by labs, and not discuss any other important details cause you might actually find the right dose and vitamin levels to not need them anymore.
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