B12/ loss of another dog.stomach ulcer. - Thyroid UK

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B12/ loss of another dog.stomach ulcer.

kjc1tisdell profile image
8 Replies

My husband and I and my son are very low in b12 we have been supplementing as previously posted. My husband and I still have symptoms of low b12.

I wondered if it was possible for someone on injections to pm the German website to get injections. I know I can get it from Cyprus but the last time I used this site someone hacks my visa card and I lost a thousand pound. I did get it back from my bank.

My husband and I are going through a tough time. I mentioned last week about losing a beloved dog. Even worse yesterday we lost the sister of this one . One week apart and at the same time. She went lame on last Tuesday on Thursday had xrays and c.t scan. Found tumours in neck.

We are struggling to come to terms with this loss. We still have 2 dogs left but it's funny how empty the house is.

how do you know if you have a stomach ulcer. I ask this question because I noticed that when my dog was in pain but on pain meds she had very dark poo and her wind smelled like horsemanure but so did mine exactly the same I have been on naproxen as I have the most excruciating hip pain coccx pain. I told the vet about this and she told me to go to docs and stop pain meds. Or was it because of low thyroid as I've started t3/t4 as I did not get on with ndt.

everything is going wrong since menopause. I was on 175 levothyroxine but a recent test at docs said my ft4 was 27 so they reduced it 125.

Now is this all to do with estrogen levels as estrogen does affect thyroid. If you have a thyroid the thyroid adjusts itself. But if you don't how do you manage it. Next week I could be high in estrogen and struggling with thyroid as I'm too low. Anyone have suggestions.

along with hip pain I have terrible pains in legs. Swollen just under Achilles and heel bone is not in right place on right leg.

I have low temps in ears and forehead never above 36.3 :

But my mouth under tongue this morning was 37.1. I do have a cough and chest problem like some soughof cops. And lots of mucus. Ear ache.

under arm temp are right pit 36.4 and left pit is 35.8.

I don't have brain fog (which i have suffered greatly) but my body does not seem to work.

Also thread veins seem very red and seem to be very veiny. Or is this thin skin.

also hair follicles on legs or goose bumps seem to be very red and seem to be confused. Does anyone else have this.

Also menopause if I'm fat do I need estrogen. Do you need estrogen to move. I am all kinds of different colours. Sometimes I'mwhite sometimes I'm orange and sometimes I'm a blue green colour and sometimes I'm just green. Does anyone know what these colours meen.

I am getting test from blue horizon and will post test results later.

sorry for long post. But don't want to do anything at moment maybe because nothing seems important any more.

cheers kate

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kjc1tisdell profile image
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8 Replies
Ruthi profile image

Sorry to hear about your dog. Its so hard - we feel about them as we do our children. And all this sorrow will undoubtedly impact on your health. I lost one five months ago, and with two more dogs in the house, it still feels empty!

Others will answer your specific question about B12. As for thyroid - do you have the rest of your thyroid test results? TSH, FT3, and ferritin folate and vitamin D?

kjc1tisdell profile image
kjc1tisdell in reply to Ruthi

Thankyou for your sympathy.

I will post new test when I get them back. Pointless giving last results as it was only a t4 test my GPS don't test t3.have to go private.


lc1973 profile image


Really sorry to hear of the loss of your dogs and that you are so poorly. I lost one of mine last November and understand how you all must be feeling.

It is really hard when you have so many different symptoms to know where to start and i can really relate with your frustrations as im in a similar situation with many symptoms going on, some thyroid related, some not. or are they??!! Its also really tricky trying to deal with one thing at a time which is all the GP's are interested in trying to do rather than a holistic approach which would be marvellous!

Interestingly i have pain in my coccyx too and have stomach problems, bloating and pain to right hand side of belly button, ive had an ovarian scan which came back okay but am now awaiting an abdomen scan whenever the NHS get round to booking me in!

Estrogen and progesterone can cause havoc i believe! Im not in menopause but i have low progesterone which will also affect cortisol output but any mention of progesterone to the doctor in my opinion is disregarded unless you want to have children! Ive been told that excess estrogen (unopposed estrogen) is whats to blame for the auxilliary breast tissue in my armpit because i am too fat now (ive put on 6 stone with this thyroid problem) im told it will reduce if i lsoe weight but i like you am havig trouble getting regulated on thyroid medication and i dont seem to be getting to the bottom of it.

Anyway, thats enough about me. The important thing here is you. Its good that you are getting some blood tests, hopefully TSH, FT3, FT4, B12 and all the ones Ruthi has suggested if you can, And in addition can you get your estrogen and progesterone levels checked or better still get your doctor to do them for you.

I do hope you will soon have a plan of action to get yourself in a better place.

kjc1tisdell profile image
kjc1tisdell in reply to lc1973

I very rarely go to doctors. I'm just offered antidepressants or told I'm am old at 48. And I'm in a mess because I self medicate with t3 and have destroyed my body. They are useless it was being on all t4 in my opinion that did for me.

Thank you Kate

lc1973 profile image
lc1973 in reply to kjc1tisdell

i know what you mean Kate! I tried to get an increase of T3 out of my doctor seeing as my results showed there was room for improvement and he said a lot of people blame their thyroid for everything when it could just be "life" or getting older! Cheeky!! You take care.

Hello Kate, from your description I think it unlikely that you have a stomach ulcer. But, I think it is more likely you are suffering from something like fermenting gut, or perhaps leaky gut. All of these conditions will produce the symptoms you describe and will result in malabsorption of nutrients from food and will hinder absorption of supplements. Everything is connected in the body and there is no system more important than the gut. Have a read of Dr Sarah Myhill's website, type in 'malabsorption' and it will give you a load of leads, hopefully you will recognise some of your symptoms.

Take care

kjc1tisdell profile image
kjc1tisdell in reply to

Thankyou for your reply. Been to gp today having a ct scan done on spine i might hsve s blown disc in lower spine. As I keep locking up and can't stand up do posture is not good so stomach mucked also too right on one side but I do think I have hit issues as well.

I do keep my diet clean but as I get older I think we can tolerate less things. Aloe Vera colon cleanse does help to calm things down and I am going to get some colloid silver to try.


in reply to kjc1tisdell

Oh, that's sounds painful, hope your scan goes well. I was reading the other day that Aloe Vera is good for the gut, must give that a try myself. You are right, things don't work as well when you get older and no-one is older than me!!!

Good luck with everything and take care

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