Hi, I have just receive the results of recent tests and would like peoples opinions please?
I asked the GP for FT3 and FT4 but surprise surprise I only have a TSH which is 0.71 so obviously 'no action needed'.
The surprising one for me is Vit D which has come back as <12 (24.00-167.00nmol/L). I had a private Vit D test done in October which came back at 80.3 so optimal..any ideas why it would have dropped so drastically?
Vit B12 has come back as 629 so my supplementing has been working as in Oct that was 434.
My serum folate seems to have dropped from 15.5 to 12.3 (3.00-17.00ug/L)
My ferritin has also dropped from 41 in January (12 in Oct 2015) to 33 despite supplementing.
I am interested to hear ideas as to why these drops in my levels are happening?
thanks in advance