Hi Guys,
Currently just on T4 treatment only, just had a blood test that as usual shows I am on 'way' too much levo at 175 mcg, have a docs apt. in a few weeks t discuss and will as usual be told to lower my dose. Results are:
Serum Free T4: 27.0 pmol/L (range:11.00 - 23.00 pmol/L)
Serum TSH: <0.05 iu/L (range: 1.00 - 5.50mu/L) (unmeasurable)
In the past I have felt well being over treated on levo only, but lately have been feeling like I am being under treated, even on 175 mcg, but as above results now show, I am awash with levo, can this be the reason I am feeling, tired (all the time), struggling to lose any weight (even though I am a recreational athlete and am well clued up on diet etc), brain fog blah blah blah...? And rather week...!
Had a million and one other test done at the same time, such as:
Serum B12 levels: 885 ng/L (range: 190 - 900ng/L) - is this not a bit high??
Serum Ferritin: 216 ug/L (range: 20.00 - 250ug/L) - is this not a bit high also?
Serum Folate: 19.4 ug/L (range: 2.00 - 19.00ug/L) - and this appears to be a bit high also...?
HbA1c levl - IFCC Standardised (none fasting diabetes test): 31 mmol/mol (range: 20.00 - 42.00mmol/mol)
I take a B12 spray daily.
I take one ferrous sulphate daily.
I take a good B Vitamin sup, two a day.
Anyway onto my main reason for posting...the doc will tell me to lower my levo, so I want to say to her I will, but I want to stat taking T3 also, which I will probably have to buy privately, as last time I asked to see an endo, I was told I wasn't bad enough to see one. So, I know you have to lower the T4 when you take T3, but to how much should I lower it guys, based on me taking 175 mcg at present?
Many thanks!