During the last few months I've developed dry skin on my face. There is a particularly resistant patch near my mouth that doesn't seem to be responding to my usual creams or to coconut oil which I've used as a last resort. Does anyone have any ideas please? I'm taking T3, B12, B Complex, Krill Oil, iron, Vit C, Zinc and CQ10.
Patches of dry skin on face: During the last few... - Thyroid UK
Patches of dry skin on face

Exfoliate twice a week and use a hot cloth cleanser like Liz Earle or boots time delay. Retinol based creams ( neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair from Amazon £20 is excellent.) use an spf 30 during summer. Good luck.
I have very dry, rough skin on my face, and the only thing that is working for me is Nivea Soft. It's cheap, give it a go!
I use Aveeno Skin Relief (I actually use the body lotion on the dry patches on my face - I don't react/it's mild & un-fragranced). I find that I have to put it on thickly after each time my face comes into contact with water. It really seems to help.
I second exfoliating before you apply the cream - unless you have obvious eczema/rash.
I m underactive thyroid hashimotos nodules and low cortisol, 4 th child who is 9 months now and was only one had the thyroid problem ect anyway I developed very sore dry itchy patches scalp and round eyes, after doing all gp cortisol treatment shampoo d n creams also have child hood eczema, the only thing got rid was organic apple cider vinegar n bicarb for scalp was amazing the results, baby had dry arms n I used the apple cider vinegar diluted especially round eyes with paper towel presses n he cleared too. Google amazing effects, now cleared scalp I had use two sun beds some pink salt bath n face clear, I also had go no sls no parbens no sulphate free on hair, deva curl was the no poo products that I can now use, coconut I use on kids but in winter just not enough, I've got thinning round hair line and the amazing effect of organic castor oil is unbelievable, please look into this hope helped, Apple cider vinegar, if eyes dilute more just Dab on n gone, the bicarb soda took all sores scabs n weeping out my scalp, I'm looking into castor oil just need find what use as Base oil as can be bit strong.
Thank you very much for that information. My scalp is very itchy at the moment so I will definitely try that. x