Thankyou to everyone for all the useful information I have gleaned from everybody's posts. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 1998 ( I am now 63) and have been m levo ever since ( it took around 2 years to get levels right - a nightmare! I currently take 100 mcg daily. I have put on 1.5 stone over the past 4 years or so and find it impossible to shift ( no surprises!) I have tried on several occasions to convince my doc that I need a bit of extra levo but she flatly refuses to prescribe. I was told by a private doctor I saw for the weight related issues that I would benefit from 'a bit extra' but my GP still wont listen.
I recently requested my T3 and T4 results from my annual blood tests, but in spite of my doctor requesting them they were not done.I am chasing for another test but its a bit like pulling teeth!
My test results came back thus:
TSH: 2.15
Vit D : 51 ( sub optimal but no advice as to how best to supplement though I am now taking daily tablets
Vit B 12: 209ng
Ferritin: 53
I have had a longstanding battle with over acidity of my stomach and have had two endoscopies in the past 3 years indicating lesions .I take a daily dose of Ranitidine. I am convinces there is a link between what I feel is my slightly low thyroid state and the stomach.
I am considering seeing a doctor privately to try and get this sorted out.I live in West London and if anyone can make a recommendation I would be grateful.(I saw Dr P a few years ago but found his treatment didn't work for me)
Hope I havent rambled too much