Diagnosed hypo in 2007 (TSH 5.6 TPO 15) put on levo. Last 2 years have had a lot of problems and was quite ill in November an had some hyper symptoms. GP agreed to do TPO test result 110 (range is up to 60) He emailed Consultant who suggested my levo be increased from alternate 75/100mcg daily to 100mcg daily and that was it!
I started to read up on my condition. "Hashimoto's Thyroiditis The root cause"-Isabella Wentz and "why do I still have thyroid problems" -Datis Kharrazian. I was diagnosed with intolerance to wheat, eggs and chicken 15 years ago and have rarely eaten wheat since, but do eat rye bread and oats. I will now try gluten free diet. My Ferritin, iron and Vit D were all at good levels when last tested. I will have B12 and folate test and also Selenium, zinc and magnesium.
I paid for a private scan (£120) No doubt my GP will say carry on as before but I wold welcome any suggestions as to where I go from here. Still trying to digest the info in the above books and realise GF diet isn't enough.