After my RAI treatment in January by March I started to become hypo. My scalp looked like a salt lake, white and crusty and very itchy. I mentioned it to my endo but as soon as I used the word lumpy he cut me off, nothing new there. Since then I’ve developed itchy, crusty spots and rashes . Having paid for a private blood test it shows my TSH 9.13 and ferritin 300, both well over range, the GP is insisting on a new test for the ferritin.
I’ve just seen a dermatologist who, miracle of miracles, has diagnosed psoriasis and agrees it’s probably due to the thyroid. Having done some research myself it appears high TSH can cause high ferritin which in turn can affect the immune system. Now it remains to be seen what the endo, sorry specialist nurse, and the GP make of all this and what they will do to help.
p.s. last year when I was hyper I had milder skin issues which were incorrectly diagnosed as dermatitis according to the dermatologist.