blood results help..: Hi Could someone help with... - Thyroid UK

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blood results help..

6 Replies

Hi Could someone help with these bloods..

TSH 2.7 (0.2-4.0), Free T3 5.5 (3.5-6.5)

The lab report on the tsh was TSH should be in the lower half of the quoted ranges (ie 0.2-2 mu/L) in patients on replacements.

calcium 2.42 (2.20-2.60)

albumin 46g/l (35-50)

corrected 2.28 (2.20-2.60)

phosphate 1.34 (0.8-1.5)

c reactive protein <4 mg/l <10

rheumatoid <10 iu/ml <20

total bilirubin 8 umol/l <21

alkaline phospatatase 70 iu/l (30- 130)

alanine transaminase 17 iu/l <40

sodium 140mmol/l (133-146)

pottassium 4.3 mmol/l (3.5-5.3)

bircarbonate 26 mmol/l (22-32)

creatinine 56 umol/l (48-128)

egfr >90 mL/min1.73*2

Full Bloods Count..

Haemoglobin * 153 g/l (115-150) Slightly high

White Blood Count 7.00 10^9/L (3.5 9.0)

platelets 317 10^9/L (140- 400)

haematocrit (pvc) * 0.468 ( 0.36- 0.46) Slightly high

Red Blood count 4.82 10^12L (3.80-5.0)

mean cell volume 97.0fl (80.0 - 99.0)

mean cell haemoglobin 31.6 pg (27.5-32.5)

mean cell haemoblobin conc 326gl (310- 350)

neutrophils 4.05 10^9/L (1.70- 8.0)

lymphocytes 2.38 10^9/L (1.00-4.00)

monocytes 0.44 10^9/L (0.20-0.80)

eosinophils 0.13 10^9/L (0.04- 0.40)

basophils 0.04 10^9/L (0.02-0.10)

Any feed back will be much appreciated... what does it mean with the slightly high in full bloods count mean... im at doctors tommorow.

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6 Replies

Hi, the one that jumps out at me is your high mean cell volume (MCV). This is suggestive of B12/folate deficiency. Do you get B12 shots? Sorry I'm new to this community, I have Graves Disease and a B12 deficiency and freely admit to being B12 obsessed!

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My b12 and ferritin was low but in range but that was in november my ferritin was 18 and my b12 was 213 so i decided to supplement these myself..

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AAAGGGHHH! How I hate these ranges and the "you're normal" conversation. 213 is a very low B12 level and would be low enough to be causing you a wide range of symptoms, and neurological damage.

7 years ago I was given a loading dose of B12 shots when my level was 164.2. My GP at the time was very offhand about this, it was assumed my deficiency was dietary related (even though I've always eaten meat), and I was sent on my way with no maintenance shots offered because my levels were now "normal" at 343.2 (this is still pathetically low by the way). I was very ignorant, had 2 small toddlers to look after, and thought no more of it. My deficiency subsequently went untreated for 7 years. In the meantime I developed Graves disease and through my own research proved just last month that I am still B12 deficient and probably have always had autoimmune pernicious anaemia. I have thyroid antibodies, parietal cell antibodies, but tested negative for intrinsic factor antibodies (only present in about half of sufferers). My last serum B12 test was 310 and I was very symptomatic, widespread numbness, muscle weakness in arms and legs, gastric symptoms, hair loss, brain fogs etc etc. My Endo ordered me the MMA test privately which was elevated indicating B12 deficiency at tissue level. I've just finished my loading dose of shots and quite frankly feel amazing.

The fact that you've been supplementing will affect any tests you have done now, so you should tell your doctor you've been doing this. However, it looks to me like you are starting to show haematological signs given your high end of the range MCV - if you also have iron anaemia this actually offsets the B12/folate anaemia in blood work, as it pushes the MCV down. You should point all this out to your GP and see if they will trial you on B12 injections. Also point out to them that this option would be much cheaper for them to do than ordering another array of expensive tests and specialist referrals! If it doesn't work, fine, but at least you'll know.

If you can read some more about this, please do - I would start with the Pernicious Anaemia Society (PAS) website (you can read a lot without joining, and access advice without joining on their facebook page). Also another website There is also a healthunlocked PA community.

Sorry Thyroid UK, I just can't stop posting about B12!!!

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Meant to say did you have folate tested?

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folate 7.0 (3.0-14.4)

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This is a good article on the subject:

Perhaps print off and discuss with your GP? Since you have thyroid problems as well (Hashi's?) the GP might be willing to test for gastric antibodies - anti-parietal cell and anti-intrinsic factor.

You can get some more info by googling "functional B12 deficiency", which is what they call it when your serum B12 is in the "normal" range. There's nothing functional about it if you ask me.

Hopefully someone else on the forum can comment on your thyroid results.

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