Advice please: Hi there I have ibs , celiac and... - IBS Network

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Advice please

Pink44 profile image
19 Replies

Hi there

I have ibs , celiac and I can’t have lactose

Im finding it so difficult for doctors to prescribe me medication. Everything seems to have lactose in.. dr told me it’s a tiny bit so I be ok.. we’ll my tummy just bloated and I wasn’t ok.. just wondered if anyone else is lactose intolerant and finds it hard to take medication.. I was on sertraline I can no longer have that.. is there any tablets without lactose? Even antibiotics have lactose.. i need pain relief.. my anxiety is so bad..

please help

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Pink44 profile image
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19 Replies
ThisIsMe87 profile image

I have lactose intolerance and I’m fine with the tiny amount in tablets. Are you sure it was definitely those? Most people with lactose intolerance should be able to tolerant some lactose.

Pink44 profile image
Pink44 in reply to ThisIsMe87

I was on antibiotics for 10 days for a urine infection and my tummy just bloated massive.. as soon as I stopped 2 days after it started to go down..

ThisIsMe87 profile image
ThisIsMe87 in reply to Pink44

That’s a typical side effect of the antibiotics themselves! Do you take probiotics? That maybe could have helped with the antibiotic reaction!

Pink44 profile image
Pink44 in reply to ThisIsMe87

Hi, the probiotics. I thought that was dairy? I can’t have any dairy products now… is there a dairy free one?What does it do to help?

Where can I buy this please?

I have health anxiety to so I’m always at the doctors .. I’m quite lucky I get appointments quite easy here..

I’ve had a lot of issues with my tummy

Pain and constipated.. I was put on antibiotics for 10 days with a uti as it went into my kidneys..dr changed them as first ones didn’t agree with me.. then my tummy just bloated .. but newly diagnosed with ibs to.. I’ve had bloods and fit test all negative and the gastro doctor ringing me in 6 weeks for appointment..

can you get back pains and side pains with ibs? Also gos down my leg..

ThisIsMe87 profile image
ThisIsMe87 in reply to Pink44

Hi, yes there are lots of dairy free probiotics. It depends on how much you want to spend really to which brand you choose.

The other pains aren’t especially symptoms of IBS, but people do report pains all over the body.

vefa profile image
vefa in reply to Pink44

Actimel do a vegan version. I only just discovered these.

Edgar77 profile image
Edgar77 in reply to ThisIsMe87

I always used to react badly to antibiotics, but now take yakult regularly, and was recently prescribed them for UTI, I had only a little reaction this Time.

in reply to ThisIsMe87

This sounds like good advice. I took probiotics for four weeks, and they really did help! (Just for clarity though, I wasn't on anti-biotics)

Pte82 profile image

Pink44, there are digestive enzymes for lactose and gluten. The medicalnewstoday link describes an enzyme for gluten. My cousin who is celiac stays with a strict gluten free diet however in those instances when he is told in a restaurant his food is gluten free then he uses the enzyme as insurance. Lactase enzymes digest lactose and can help you avoid bloating. Look further into the subject of these enzymes for your intolerance. Always consult your health care provider before using any supplement.

Pink44 profile image
Pink44 in reply to Pte82

Hi, what does the enzymes do?Will it help me. I have bad tummy , constipated odd times.. backache. Sick of been at the doctors .. all bloods and fit test normal.. got to wait 6 weeks for the gastro dr to ring me to discuss my problems..

with not having dairy most tablets have lactose in them they bloat my tummy even more then normal.. I have back ache , side hurts pain gos down my leg.. is this ibs?

Can that do that to you?

Sick of feeling like this… I only eat chicken or fish.. I eat veg. Fruit.. but not all as some fruit and veg is no good for my tummy

Just sick of this.

Pte82 profile image
Pte82 in reply to Pink44

Pink44, Enzymes are proteins that help speed up metabolism, or the chemical reactions in our bodies. They build some substances and break others down. All living things have enzymes. Our bodies naturally produce enzymes. However, sometimes a genetic defect causes an inability to produce all the enzymes we need creating a need to supplement the ones that are missing. As I described them earlier they can provide a high level of relief especially the lactase enzyme. However, unlike the supplemental lactose enzyme, for celiacs the gluten enzyme supplement must work almost instantly because of the reaction caused by gluten and it's hard to always get 100% coverage so for that reason it's best to reserve that supplement for isolated occassions. In addition, because of malabsorption caused by celiac disease, thiamine (vitamin B1) is one of those several vitamins and minerals deficiencies. Thiamine is critical for brain, vagus nerve and gut function so a deficiency results in constipation among many other health issues. Thiamine needs adequate magnesium to become bioactive and in turn activate B6. Magnesium is also needed to activate vitamin D, another vitamin celiacs are deficient because of malabsorption. The following links provide a basis to understand how this one vitamin, thiamine, may be affecting your health in this way. In addition to learning more about thiamine include the other B vitamins too. Look for gluten free and lactose free supplements. Pink44, open these links in the order they are presented to gain a better understanding of thiamine's role in digestion. Always consult your health care provider before using any supplement.

Dolly38 profile image

Dear pink

That is really awful and I feel sorry for you. It must be so difficult to be allergic to lactose. I am fairly newly diagnosed with Coeliac and was diagnosed with IBS 30 odd years ago. Turns out my Consultant who I am forever grateful to says my gut is very damaged and may take up to five years to heal. So everyday is a challenge. One thing I will share is often it's the simple foods which our gut likes. I don't buy loads of special foods. I ear ordinary foods

It's depressing watching everything you eat.

Medicines for pain and mood are tricky. I feel very angry some days but that doesn't change anything at all. I try all sorts of distraction my go to therapy. Trash TV if no energy,yoga if I don't feel shattered from work walking in the park.

Gratitude sounds rather condescending and I am sorry for this. It can help. Have a favourite treat food. Mine is gluten free porridge with maple syrup. Load music through headphones helps a lot.

You will know what's best for you as we do.

Talking to someone close who also has challenges in their life often helps as all those smiling faces are often having a difficult time too. Take care of yourself Lally

Carlettejaque profile image

Hi, I sympathise with you and know what you mean about lactose in medication. I am lactose, yeast, dextrose and sunflower intolerant. So i'm on a very limited diet. I have other health issues (neuropathic pain). I have to take pills that all have lactose. The doctor told me the same thing but when you take 15 tablets a day those tiny bits add up. Unfortunately, lactose is the most common medication filler and with my medication there are no alternatives. I either take them or suffer torturous pain. It's a pity there are no campaigns from lactose intolerance groups to get pharmaceutical companies to use other cheap fillers.However, over the counter drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol don't have lactose in them and for anxiety try herbal remedies like st John's wart or hypnosis/meditation tapes or videos.

Good luck.

Pink44 profile image
Pink44 in reply to Carlettejaque

Hi, I also suffer with pain, it’s lower backSides and gos down my leg.. is this anything to do with ibs or celiac?

I’ve just recovered from a bad uti that went into my kidneys .. I was on 10 days antibiotics which made me bloated bad..

Im in pain most days with my back and sides and leg.. blood tests are fine.. fit test fine

Just sick of feeling unwell..

I have a 1 mile walk everyday with my chihuahuas around the village..

I used to go to the gym 2 times a week.. I can’t do that now..

Im thinking of going to yoga

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply to Pink44

I have back pain too. Lots of people suffer with bsck pain. It's not related to IBS. Yoga could make it worse. I get relief by seeing a sports injury therapist for massage. It's bliss!! Antibiotics destroy the good bacteria in the gut which for IBS sufferers is really bad as we already have less of the good bacteria. Its that which causes the bloating and pain with the treatment. Probiotics can help and the best way to get probiotics into the large bowel is to take probiotic tablets but they can make some people feel a bit queasy.I would recommend massage therapy for your back and probiotics for your gut. Meantime, I presume you've already tried the low Fodmap foods?

Pink44 profile image
Pink44 in reply to Carlettejaque

How do I get the probiotics in tablets please?Are they dairy free?

Many thanks

Edgar77 profile image

I am celiac lactose Intolerant with IBSC I take paracetamol OK and paracetamol + the+ is caffeine. I don't know if that helps. The pharmacy told me that despite the name lactulose does NOT contain lactose. It is referring to laxative. However it does make me feel a bit off, but works. Wish I could help more we sound In a similar position.

penelope2 profile image

I have had ibs most of my adult life, plus migraine and now ataxia. I think that eating gluten through out this has led to the autoimmune gluten ataxia, not yet professionally diagnosed.It is a minefield out there trying to do the best for ourselves especially as doctors etc generally don't believe gluten sensitivity.

It depends on how much you are able to finance treatment? But I would advise firstly to help decipher the probiotics problem to contact and get advice from one of the recognised supplement companies like Nutri who do dairy free probiotics. (I should not mention names online but buying off the shelf at supermarkets just isn't good enough)

Probiotics can make you bloated and uncomfortable at first.

Also keep away from prebiotics FOS, they generally don't do any favours for ibs sufferers.

Healing the gut could take maybe 2 years or more so stick with it. You may need glutamine, but get advice first.

Advise from a nutritional therapist who is knowledgeable in this area does not come cheap, contact BANT who will point you in the right direction.

Also if you are avoiding dairy, a high source of calcium which is what the gut needs for peristalsis, then you will need other sources.

It is hard not to get bogged down and do what is needed for ourselves. Doctors are generally rubbish at this sort of help.

Good luck

Edgar77 profile image

I am also celiac and lactose intolerant. I did not get on with sertraline. It seems to be the Docs first choice, but lots of people can't tolerate it lactose or not. I take paracetamol or buscopan.

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