ok can someone help me/give me advice please lol. every time I drink or eat I get this urge to throw up whilst eating/drinking and it happens a lot I’m reading it’s inflammation of the stomach but I don’t know. I also vomit in my mouth (tmi I know sorry lol) I was wondering if this happens to anyone else and if you know how to stop it?
Help and advice please!: ok can someone help me... - IBS Network
Help and advice please!
Hi ya
I had this about a year ago it’s truly awful I sympathise with you ! My doctor put it down to to much acid in my stomach and it was causing acid reflux they gave me Omeprazole it did help but I still take it regularly 😬 you should go to see your doctor it could also be your gallbladder, hope I’ve helped a little x
Ahh ok thank you! It’s awful ahah but thank you for the advice

Hi yes I understand how you feel but i take Omeprazole too. Ive taken it for years. I have a hiatus hernia and it keeps that at bay. They are very good. I would go To your doctor. Bye xx
I’ve had this for many many months. It sounds like the same what you have. I couldn’t eat nor drink for weeks, no coffee no tea no herbal tea not even water. It was horrid . I lost 2-3 stone. Once your GI Consultant has excluded that it’s nothing ‘sinister’ you are left with the same situation like IBS : a diagnosis of Functional Gastritis/ Dyspepsia . In a way maybe even worse than IBS as you can’t get anything down your stomach. That’s what they call it and it’s like IBS but it’s your upper abdomen. There’s been very little research and we’re still in the Middle Ages : Like with IBS doctors have no clue what it is nor what causes it nor how to cure it. They usually think you must be happy 😃 that it’s not sinister. (Never mind how awful it feels for us). I would also be careful to assume that it is ‘always’ caused by too much acid. As I said before : Doctors don’t know what it is....I had this problem twice before. Each time I was given PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) like Omeprazole. They made it much worse for me....more nausea .... more sick... They don’t work for many patients. One of our GPs said they have many patients where this drug doesn’t help. You have the problem to get off this drug as well. If it help you .... then fine ..... but if not ... I wouldn’t force myself to take them for very long. It may be better to be careful with your diet. For example to be careful temporarily not to eat a high fiber/whole grain diet .... as it would aggravate your stomach. I’ve had it twice and now I’ve recovered. The good news is : you WILL also recover !! I know you will. If you try to be careful with your diet you’ll recover quicker !
Thank you for the advice I’m sorry you had to go through it also, it’s awful.
I was given Omeprazole too and it literally just made my stomach burn so I had to stop that very quickly lol.
I had the same thing in 2011, it was acid reflux and volume reflux. The ppi stopped the acid but I was still bringing back all liquids and food. Tests showed that I had a hiatus hernia and a weak valve, I had to have surgery to fix it.
Oh wow I’m sorry you had to go through that 😩 I actually do have a lump that’s getting bigger just above my belly button stomach area did you have this?

I couldn't feel any lumps in my stomach. My symptoms were heartburn, indigestion, nausea, not keeping food or liquids down and a serious amount of weight loss, people who didn't know me well thought I was anorexic which was really hurtful. You do need to get that lump checked out just to be on the safe side.
I’m really sorry you had to go through that I’ve also been accused of having anorexia and I’ve had people insult me for losing weight and being “thin” it’s really hard and people don’t realise what we have to put up with. I’ll definitely get the lump checked out seeing as it’s getting bigger and hurts more nowadays lol
Yes I did have this too and was prescribed the omeprazole for healing inflammation and also the ondasterone for the nausea.
I can’t take the omeprazole but I’ll definitely look in to getting something for the nausea tomorrow seeing as I’m going to the GP. Thank you for the advice💓
Have you tried an upper or lower Barium swallow GI series? It's not that had at all. They have you drink a small milkskake type of vanilla mixture (it does not taste bad, or make you neauseas) it will check to see how food and water are moving from your esophagus to your colon. They will give you the results right away..or at last they did with me. It will also see if you have any tumors, hernias or blockages, I also had a blood test done to try to rule things out more. Many times a night, it hurts to drink water..not sure why. I just had an ultrasound done on my spleen (which can cause a lot of issues if it is inflamed, only)..and they found a cyst that was 1.5cm and now has grown to 2cm. They don't seem concerned. I have a follow up from this test with Hematologist in one week..I hope you feel better soon..keep us posted..