Hi. I thought I would kick off with the dreaded bowel preparation (clearing) required prior to having bowel examinations or surgery. There are a number of products (some branding names vary between USA and UK). So, this is my journey this year:
Needed a colonoscooy as well as Upper GI Endoscopy so appointment received for last week of April. They sent "PlenVu" as my bowel prep, which requires around a litre of fluid. I drank it fairly quickly but within seconds it all came back up. No bowel clearing. Called unit who said it was pointless coming in.
Next appt 6th May (which meant prep on my Birthday). Received prep drink in post. Plenvu again. Same thing happened - up it came.
Another appointment for 13th May. This time it was "MoviPrep" and it appeared to be working well, but perhaps less than I expected. Went to hospital and in procedure room they were able to do Upper GI endoscopy. However, the prep had still not worked. Roll on to next appt ....
18th May. Moviprep again. Seemed to work OK. Arrived at hospital, went into procedure room. Consultant could not proceed due to amount of waste still in the bowel. Which brings me to today. The doc recommended "Picolax" plus some Movicol (softener). But I also purchased some softener and Dulcolax tablets from chemist to start things moving. By Friday, I had still not received the Picolax from hospital so i had to call them. They arranged for me to collect from main reception at hospital. I got there last night about 7.30pm. No sign of anyone. In the end I had to find a porter and explain it was urgent. Collected. Tonight I have taken 1st Picolax and nothing has happened. That was 2 hours ago. I am now drinking like crazy as well as getting some Dulcolax in me. I prefer the Picolax as it is only 150ml to make up a dose and as I had a Gastric Bypass 11 years ago, I find it hard to drink loads in one go.
Next dose of Picolax at 7am tomorrow. I will update you all later. But please share experiences, tips & tricks plus any advice you have been given that helped. I look forward to reading your comments. Toilet humour is encouraged, but otherwise please keep it clean - thank you.