Picolax: Hi, I have done bowel prep lots of... - IBS Network

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MyStar86 profile image
30 Replies


I have done bowel prep lots of times over the years however I have always used moviprep so I know exactly what to expect as it goes through my system and I understand how it works especially with the volume of fluids it gives plenty of fuel to keep going all day and night however there is a shortage of moviprep and my bowel surgeon has had to put me on picolax and it’s only a tiny amount that you have to drink and I am worried that it won’t work.

if anyone can share their experiences I would be really grateful please try to make them positive ones as I’m already worried enough I was stressed anyway but now this being changed has really thrown me. Help.

Thank you 🙏🏻

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MyStar86 profile image
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30 Replies
meadfoot profile image

I was given picolax for my last colonscopy and it was fine. I thought the same as you due to the small amount of liquid required. It took a good while to work and I was nervous it wasn't going to work but yes it did and was fairly gentle given bowel preps are designed to rid us of everything. It was fine. Best wishes.

Iggls profile image

Please don’t worry ! I’ve been taking Picolax mostly weekly for about 8 years as I have severe chronic IBS C. I can’t cope with Moviprep as I can’t tolerate the large amount of liquid but Picolax works fine. The vital thing is to keep drinking lots of water/ squash regularly to flush it through and keep hydrated…I make up a jug full immediately and just keep sipping it. But it will work perfectly !

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Iggls

Thank you so much I will drink as much as if I was taking the moviprep then as that’s what I had in mind to keep me hydrated and as you said to help flush it all through!! Just can’t see how such a tiny amount works as moviprep makes everything water because I assumed due to the volume but I guess this one works differently just good to know from those that have used it.

Did it take a while to work for you? Moviprep starts to work instantly for me so that’s why I’m nervous of this one is it just hours of painful cramps before it finally works?xx

Iggls profile image
Iggls in reply to MyStar86

It starts working in about an hour, variable. No cramps, or very rarely but stay near the loo. Sometimes it works steadily, others stop and start a bit.

Good luck !

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Iggls

Thank you! I think everyone is different as some people have said 4 hours to start working and some don’t start working till the second dose so I’m not sure what to expect but I hope it works for me like it did for you as that sounds like a good experience xx

Purplewoman profile image

I had a reaction to movie prep, was given this in hospital and it was much easier to take so much less liquid. I would always asked for this in future

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Purplewoman

Thank you so much! Did it take a while for it to start to work as moviprep works very quickly for me xx

Purplewoman profile image
Purplewoman in reply to MyStar86

Slightly longer than the movi for me but did it’s job lol

Riccar24 profile image

Hi l have nerver used Movipep but used Pixolax but about 4 weeks ago for my colonoscopy. It did work and was quite gentle. It did take a while to start working at least 5-6 hours for me so do not panic like I did thinking it wasn't going to work. Hope your procedure goes well.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Riccar24

Wow 5-6 hours I will be really panicking waiting that long. Had you taken the second dose before it started to work? Thanks for the advice as I know semi what to expect now just everyone is different some have said it works in a hour so who knows 😱 just hope it all goes ok xx

Riccar24 profile image
Riccar24 in reply to Riccar24

I have been diagnosed with slow colonic transit so thats perhaps why it was so slow in working for me

casares8 profile image

I could not take moviprep as it made me sick and i could not drink that amount of liquid. I found picolax much better for me. Apparently moviprep gives a slightly better clearout according to a gastro nurse my husband saw recently, so they prefer it, but it is in short supply. My husband was given Plenvu, another new one

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to casares8

I was given Plenvu but my surgeon has used it recently for other patients and said it wasn’t very effective so he is swapping me to Picolax that’s why I’m a bit all over thr place not sure what to expect just wish they had the moviprep that would make me a lot calmer but nothing is every easy so I’ll just have to hope for the best xx thank you

casares8 profile image
casares8 in reply to MyStar86

I think you will be alright with picolax, it worked for me and tasted better than moviprep

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to casares8

Thank you I hope so!!xx

Purplewoman profile image
Purplewoman in reply to casares8

I too threw up after the first lot of moviprep far too much liquid so was told to not take any more . It of course had the disired effect ! But they wouldn’t do the colonoscopy as I hadn’t had it all lol I got tingly lips as well so had to wait a week and have picolax . I lost some weight that week lol

FeistyGirl profile image

I’ve used both Picolax and Moviprep prior to Colonoscopies. I’ve always found Picolax to be more “aggressive” so I’m sure you’ll find it to be as effective as Moviprep.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to FeistyGirl

Thank you it sounds like everyone is different as lots say it’s more gentle than moviprep but I don’t know what to expect I just want it to work fast so I’m not panicking for too long xx

bungi1961 profile image

I had that Moviprep stuff and found it awful I had 2 colonoscopies in a month and had the Moviprep both times 1st colonoscopy 6/7 polyps removed and further 4/5 more removed with the 2nd one so more Moviprep I found that even water went right through me both times and I didn't really have time to recover but that was me everyone is different I just hope that all goes well for you or you have had it done I am sorry I have just found this message So take care and look after yourself Please x

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to bungi1961

I have my surgery tomorrow so I’m currently enduring the hell that is Picolax!! Trust me moviprep is a dream compared to this because moviprep is just an osmotic laxative so you just pour out with water vs all the evil cramps that come with Picolax as that contains a stimulant laxative and it’s horrific I don’t think I will sleep at all tonight I’m in agony this is the worst experience of my life!!! I have finished my 3rd and final sachet at 5pm and it’s just crazy my bum is so sore and my back has totally gone with all the cramps I feel awful this has battered me more than anything I’ve ever experienced it’s just awful. People made it sound like it wasn’t that bad but this is crazy I’ve been stuck on my sofa and toilet since 10:30am I can’t see this ever ending 😭. So glad I leave my house at 6am tomorrow as I’m just counting down the hours and thank goodness I packed everything yesterday as I haven’t been able to do anything today x

bungi1961 profile image

Well I wish you all the best for it and things should be OK that is if you are able to keep calm I just hope that doesn't sound to patronising as we have to get all the treatment going I just hope that things get sorted out for you and maybe they can make you feel better in fact it can't be any worse than they are at the moment for you and maybe they can give you some tablets to make you feel better and in my case before each colonoscopy that I had I thought that if I didn't eat very much before hand that there would be less stuff to come out of me Oh how wrong was I!!! At least going so early in the morning it may give less time to think about things!! So best wishes and take care x

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to bungi1961

Thank you that’s very kind and not patronised! This is just something to endure and I will never have Picolax ever again so I just have to suffer this then I will get the drugs to relieve me tomorrow that’s my only focus keeping me going. I’m having surgery so I will be given lots of pain relief thankfully as it’s all I’m thinking about. I’m so done now physically and mentally xx

bungi1961 profile image
bungi1961 in reply to MyStar86

I know just how you feel So I say no more just GOOD luck and take care xx

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to bungi1961

Thank you so much that means a lot xx

bungi1961 profile image
bungi1961 in reply to MyStar86

I just hope that you get some sort of answers to your problems and they can give you some medications to help with it and wish you a speedy recovery and that all went well so take care x

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to MyStar86

I really feel for what you must be going through at the moment this evening. I wish you all the best for tomorrow. It's not long now and it will soon be over and you can come home and catch up on some sleep, lie on the sofa, have some warm drinks, rest, watch something . Hope all goes well in the morning for you. All the best, xx

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply to Luisa22

Thank you so much that is really lovely of you. It’s been horrific thr cramps are just never ending I managed to get a tiny bit of sleep thanks to some sleeping pills but I’m back curled up on the sofa after rushing to the loo not long ago. At least I can have a drink but it has just made me feel more sick however I can’t stop shivering so the hot drink is very much needed. I pile honestly do moviprep a million times over vs this mess I have been left in. It’s such a shame that I will be so weak for surgery now thanks to going through this all day and night. I am counting down the hours now as I just want to get there now and put an end to this suffering. Thank you again for replying after seeing how much I have struggled. I hope you are ok and thank you again xx

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to MyStar86

I would say just try to distract yourself if at all possible, by watching stuff on TV, Netflix, whatever. The Poldark series is worth a watch if you like historical dramas. You might feel too unwell to enjoy anything but even a bit of distraction can help when you feel rotten in the middle of the night. You can always re-play it later when you feel a bit better if you like it.

This horrible night will be over soon, Tomorrow afternoon it will all be over! That's not long to go.

I know when I have bad flare ups how shivery and shaky it makes me feel, so keep warm, and keep hydrated, and hope you manage to doze off sometimes. Hope you have someone taking you to the hospital tomorrow too? Take care x

MyStar86 profile image

thank you again for all the kind words and ideas. I did manage to get a little more sleep after being up thanks to the sleeping pills I took otherwise I would never of survived the night. I am back up up now and have packed my last bits and just trying to warm myself up as it always makes me cold when I have fasted for so long and I can’t really drink much this morning as it just sets my guts off and there really isn’t anything left for it to do so I’m on the sofa with my wheat pad on my tummy heating on and I’m going to take it steady as we will leave in an hour.

Yes thankfully my mum is taking me so I won’t be on my own as I certainly couldn’t drive like this I’m not with it at all just glad I packed everything on Tuesday or I would of really struggled. Picolax really is the worst thing I’ve experienced in my life!

Thank you for the luck and thoughts today my check in time is 7:15am and I’ll be the first one in so hopefully they will move quickly once I arrive and move things along get me closer to getting some pain relief as that’s my only focus to get me through I can’t wait till that needle is in my hand ready for the blackout.

Thank you again for your kindness xx

bungi1961 profile image
bungi1961 in reply to MyStar86

I hope that all went well today 4 you and they have given you some medication 4 it to try and help you and they have some idea as how to help you with it all so take care and hope you start to feel better soon x

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