The doctor wanted colonoscopy and endoscopy so I was sent to a gerontologist at the local hospital.
1. The first bowel prep of moviprep did not work.
I retained the fluid and was quite ill and therefore the procedure was canceled.
2. They then prescribed picolax, which I took at1 pm then 5 pm, nothing major happened at all until 2 am when I actually collapsed. My kids rand 999 but when I came round I said as I was due at the hospital in the morning I could cope.
At my morning appointment, I told them the prep had not fully done its job and I just had the endoscopy.
They are now going to send me to have a detailed bowel scan.
It's a week since I have had a bowel movement. My stomach is swollen. I have upped my ducosate tablet and fluid intake plus added prunes.
What else does anyone suggest???????????