Daily Chat Wednesday 20th March 2013 - Quit Support

Quit Support

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Daily Chat Wednesday 20th March 2013

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
9 Replies

Good morning everybody :) mind you its a bit grey and gloomy here in Derbyshire so far today :(

I'm sure we are all glad that Sue is on the mend and she will be able to have something to eat today :) I bet the poor gals starving :o

jillygirl may be back on here today cos I think she gets her laptop back from the repair man :)

Rite am off to read my list of jobs again :o :D and have a cuppa, back later :)

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog separately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.

Soooo..... chat away! :) :)

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monky profile image
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9 Replies
thenunn profile image

Morning Pete ,its not too bad here in Gosport a bit cloudy but the sun keeps shining her smiling face. Was going to cut the grass but being clay soil,its still very wet so will have to wait. Bashed a few tiles off the wall ready for larder unit to go in,moved dishwasher so now washing by hand ..which means my sons will not know what to do lol.

I was going to put a cake on here for Sue but I cant seem to figure out how to put pics on.

Hope Jillygirls laptop returns all well .

Right off to shop to get glue and screws and stuff. Catch you all later x jan

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to thenunn

Hi ya Jan :) ha ha ha just thinking, do your sons know they will have to get their hands wet :o :D :D ha ha I bet mum will do it for them ;) :)

If you are writing or replying to a comment, am afraid you cant get pics on here :( butttttt

If you right click on the pic you want,

A drop down menu will appear,

Go down to - copy image URL,

Left click on that,

Then right click on your comment,

A drop down menu will appear again,

Left click on paste,


A picture wont appear, but the link will :)

So all people will have to do is click on it and the picture will appear :) :)

I hope this helps you, but if not, call batman :) :)

sue52 profile image

Good morning everybody, I thought i'd sneak on before the nurses notice, and i fall asleep :D :D, i hope your all doing great in your quit journeys, whatever stage your at :)

I had breakfast today, cereal never tasted so good :D :D, It still looks like i'll get home on Monday, thank goodness :) I'm off for my daily walk now, just as well i've had painkillers, then a nap before lunch

Thank you all for your kind words, i've never met such a caring, amazing bunch of people before :) :) stay strong, my thoughts and positive vibes are with you :) love you all :) xxxxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Aup Sue :) sorry I missed you :(

You mean to say that hospital food tastes so good :o :| :)

I'm just so glad to hear your voice again gal :) :) I am.

Hey you said going for a walk :o so no chasing after them doc's eh :o :| erm well not today :D :D :D

Love's you too Sue :) :) take care now xxxxxx

simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Fantastic to hear from you Sue, we miss your comments. It will soon be Monday and then back home which is always a better place to be. Have you found your dishy doctor yet or is that what your walk is for? Thinking about you and sending lots of hugs and best wishes Sue x

GeordieQuitter profile image

Hi evry1 I am new to the boards here...

I am now on day 2 of my quit attempt... Was supposed to quit last Wednesday but hubby decided he wasn't ready so was postponed till yesterday. I feel quite good today, have been keeping myself busy by baking cheese scones and I think I may make a lemon meringue pie in a bit...

Last night was a pig. I was hiding upstairs, hubby was hiding downstairs on laptop. Still managed to have a row at bedtime! We have tried to stop before so I know that he only gets moodier, whereas I'm not too bad the first week it is the 2nd for me, because I'm strange like that! lol

I have my quit support meeting at my daughters school in an hour so lets see what my CO2 level is shall we??? x

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Hello GeordieQuitter and welcome to the site! I'm on day 3 and having a bad day although

it is better now...slightly! Have you and hubby quit together? My hubby's still smoking

which makes it harder, but I'm not giving in this time (tried so many times before).

Good luck with your CO2 reading - come back on and let us know the result, I've got my

group tomorrow! Hope to hear from you soon and good luck!


simba196 profile image
simba19618 Months Winner

Welcome GeordieQuitter you will find that you have all the support your need on this site, if you are having a bad day come on here someone will soon put you back on the right track. My hubby still smokes, was going to stop with me but only managed a few hours and now is back to normal smoking but I do make him go in the kitchen with the door open, it does make it harder as I sometimes think just one and then come back down to earth knowing that one will be the start again.:) Sue x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi GeordieQuitter, a big welcome to this lovely quit smoking site :) :) and a big well done to getting to day 2 on your quit :)

I havnt had cheese scones in years gal, yum :P flippin yum erm I think the last time I had them, was when my mam made some, about 40 Years ago :D :D hmmmm just wondering if you would let me have your recipe for them, am over 21 :o :D :D

It sounds like you and your hubby are quitting together :) thats great news, cos then you can help each other, after you've had the row that is :o :) get hubby on here too :)

there is loads of help on here, so if you have a question then come shout about it, and we will try to help you :) :)

Good luck on your CO reading :)

PS, just wondering if you are using any NRT to help you with your quit ??

Pete :)

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