Daily Chat Wednesday 2nd October 2013 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat Wednesday 2nd October 2013

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
27 Replies

Good morning everybody :)

Dawn, its lovely to hear you voice again gal :) :)

Jan, ( Thenunn ) same to you tooooo gal :) :) Why dont you Dawn and your Son get on it together, that way you can help each other through the hard times eh :) :)

Jillygirl, its lovely to have you back in the land of living again gal :) hmmmm it seems like our Andi has done a bunk now :o :| :D :D

Its lovely to see all your old faces again :) and of course the new faces toooooo, :) We just have to all get together, and help each other to doooooooooo this :) cos we CAN do it :) :)

Look Guys and Gals, this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life :o But with your help I know I can do it this time, and like Kengreen says, Get Rid Of That Filthy Muck !!!!

Lets get our bodies back, our taste back,our smell back, our lives back, our freedom back :) :)

Come on Guys and Gals, lets dooooooooo this eh :) :)

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog separately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.

Soooo..... chat away! :) :)

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monky profile image
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27 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Pete, its good to be back. Like you say its like old times with our older members calling in. Hope your not on that nasty shift Pete. Looks like autumn set in now. rainy this mornning. Off to the tile shop later to start on the bathroom. At least we seem to be leak free at the moment. (fingers crossed). Sue hope your move went well.


have a lovely day everyone.

andi22 profile image

Good morning Pete, Jilly and everyone.

Got a bit caught up yesterday, will catch up on Stoptober Day 1 later.

Really grey down south too - need to put the lights on. :( Autumn's here. ;-) :)

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Very good morning to you Pete & it's very good to have you back Jilly.

Pete - I see you have to start early now to open the "Daily Chat" - I will be staying up or getting up at 2AM tomorrow !!! Love your photo this morning and the message of "starting again" - with you on that.

Just want to wish everyone well today and BE POSITIVE - let the Cravings in the front door and out the back door - its good to see them go like unwanted guests AND THE CRAVINGS WILL GO / PASS EVENTUALLY.

Stick with it & best wishes



EmJay profile image

Good Morning Everybody and welcome to Autumn.. it seems :-/

Pete, I love the photie Pete, is this to represent Sue moving house? :D :D With regards to this stopping smoking malarkey being one of the hardest things to have ever done, as you know it CAN be done, it WILL be done and you are DOING IT :D We are all with you 1000% but I know that you know this :-)

JillyGirl, we missed you we did. Enjoy your exercise down at the tile shop :-)

Hey Andi, lots of folks are jumping aboard with Stoptober. I've created an extra Stoptober Wall of Winners at your request. So shall add everyone's names in as they inform me :-)

Jonathan, keep on keeping on, you are our Chief NOPE Person :D (Not One Puff Ever!)

Big waves to everyone else :-)

Remember to practice those breathing exercises as it is easier to use them when you know how to, rather than trying to remember what to do when those pesky cravings kick in :-/

dawlol profile image
dawlol18 Months Winner

Good Morning Everyone! It's so good to be back with the gang! Day 2 now and feeling really positive. It's the evenings I struggle with but manage to get through by just telling myself I DO NOT WANT TO SMOKE ANYMORE...lol! Have a lovely day everyone. Dawnxxx

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner

Well done Dawn - Excellent - DAY 2 underway.

If you say "I AM POSITIVE" then guess what "YOU ARE POSITIVE" because you are what you think you are.

Being POSITIVE somehow makes the power of the cravings LESS !! (Don't ask me how - it just does). Then let the Craving in the front door and kick it out the back door.

Just keep saying this evening "I am POSITIVE about this QUIT" and it will soon be DAY 3 and for sure you will be starting to feel miles better.

Best to you Jonathan


BeeL profile image
BeeL in reply to quit

Sooooooooooooo true! If we keep telling ourselves we can do it, we will! Mind over matter : )

Good morning all

I know I don't post very often but always read all your lovely posts which have helped me tremendously over the past couple of months.

I am nine weeks now and feel so much better than last week. (Eight weeks seemed a really hard time for me,don't know why) I have come off the patches now and for some reason feel a lot less stressed and happier, although for me they did help in the beginning.

It is so true, being possitive does seem to make the cravings less or disappear.

Gave a great day everyone xx

quit profile image
quit14 Month Winner in reply to

Hi Bethjayne

So glad to hear this "that you are on the up" - my quit date is 27th July so we must be about the same.

Yeah something happened to me in week 8 too but I know if I start feeling sorry for myself then it will all be doom & gloom so I just say "I am positive" (even if I am not!!!) and it works.


Best wishes



EmJay profile image

Afternoon All :D

Bethjayne, evidence is now showing that 8 weeks of the same product is more than ample for most people. However, it is important to be aware that it can still take 12-14 weeks for those nicotine receptors to down regulate so make sure you are always ready for any sneaky sly cravings who tend to hang around and try to catch you out unexpectedly :D Great to hear how well you are doing, 9 weeks is fantastic, almost a quarter of the way through a whole year of being smokefree :D :D

in reply to EmJay

I'm 36 weeks on Saturday. Something went wrong I'm thinking?? :( That's about 30 weeks of the same product and I'm still buying it. Worse still, having cravings without it.

in reply to

36 weeks, isn't that how long you're pregnant for. I shall give birth to a huge nicotine lozenge quite soon. :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

:D :D :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hello all, wow theres a lot of positiveness about today. Chosen my tiles , and ordered a towel radiator/warmer. so getting there slowly.

lovely to see you back Bethjayne. your doing great. :)

in reply to jillygirl

Aww your flat will soon be beautiful Jilly. Sounds like its coming along.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

This ones for Emjay :-

Gertrude and Agnes looking for seed

Says Agnes to gertrude we need some more feed,


If we peck on the window and peck once again,

Perhaps emjay will say oh! is that my hen,

Says Agnes I fancy some corn, but only a bit,

Gertrude says yes we have to keep fit.


We lay plenty of eggs at least once a day,

They`re all for our friend Emjay,


If we keep laying eggs wer`e as safe as can be,

but if we don`t it the dreaded ! K.F.C.!


So we keep on laying and hope and pray

that Emjay decides we can stay. :)


EmJay profile image

You are hilarious JillyGirl :D The things you come up with to keep you out of trouble :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Now why would i be trouble ! ? :D :D :D

EmJay profile image

:D :D :D :D Encouraging folks to hide in fridges, ovens might have something to do with it ....

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to EmJay

Who me? nah.


I wouldnt do that erm well may be a little bit. :P

Went to Home Bargains today to get my weeks supply of nicotine replacement. Went to queue up and what did they have at the tills - e-cigs, but better still e-cig liquid. So I thought, hey may as well try that, can't be any worse than the totally useless rubbish I've tried up to now and at £1.99 for 10ml - bargain. Maybe that's why its called Home Bargains. Anyways got home and tried it. Wow, it does actually appear to work. Finally, I think it was May when I bought my e-cig. Have not so much swore by it but swore at it ever since as a few puffs are closely followed by Aww "*/! it, it's bloody useless and would then pop another lozenge.

But this is good, it's nice, Blueberry, it seems to actually satisfy a craving and has not been followed up by a lozenge, mind you I did have a lozenge just before tea :D Someone at work recommended Blueberry liquid to me last week, though from a different supplier. Maybe there's something in Blueberry. Those Blueberry muffins from Asda and Morrisons though are pretty yuk I always think.

So fingers crossed I might finally have found an escape from the lozenges. This is good cos my teeth are starting to hurt, especially the dodgy one that sits at an angle and is longer than the rest, I'm thinking its hanging by the skin of its teeth so to speak. Made an appointment at dentists. Mine is on long term sick leave apparently, so I have to see a locum dentist, who I think walked into reception while I was there. Fantastic, this is gonna be last October all over again, I can see it coming.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Amazing what you get in Home bargains. I found some sugar free sweets which are pretty good. Still dont have lots of them but nice to have the odd one. As for the dentist good luck. i hate going even though my dentist is a nice one. :)

in reply to jillygirl

I could swear I've just replied, maybe I'm getting drunk on the Blueberry juice. Anyway as my reply doesn't seem to be here, I was saying still not had a lozenge, that's over 3 hours yay.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

If you go to bed early you wont want a lozenge while asleep.

break your record and make it 12 hours . :) Your doing fine.

in reply to jillygirl

Am no good at going to bed early. I've been sat here since 8.30 with the intention of going ironing my clothes for work tomorrow, it's nearly 10.00 now. Haha, the day I sleep for 12 hours, there'll be something seriously wrong. I am really, really going to iron my clothes now so night Jillygirl and anyone else who's around.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to

Night night sweet dreams. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Think gremlins are out tonight sin. my reply disappeared too. :O

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