My last cigarette was on December 24th, 2013. I have now past my year mark. I did use the e-cig for a few months after to curb the cravings, but officially I have made it 1 year. However, switching to a different location for work and having a boss that smokes 10 feet from me at the front door is giving me urges again. Thankfully they are not strong and are easily fought off. So, to those that say they can't quit, you have to WANT to. I said so many times that I "wanted to quit", but the actual desire wasn't there. Your mind is powerful. You can fool many people, but you can't fool yourself. If you don't REALLY want to quit, then you have failed before you try. Decide to quit, put a date on it, and do it.
Made it 1 year: My last cigarette was on... - Quit Support
Made it 1 year

Whooooooopy flippin Dooooooopy Mike, 1 Year quit, thats soooo awwwwsome pal
Massive gigantic congratulations to ya Mike and thank you sooooo much for writing this post to encourage our other members on here
Enjoyyyyyyyyy your new smokefree life

Congratulations Mike, over a year quit that's fantastic so well done to you
Wise words to help us, thankyou x
Hope ya like cake

Well done Mike on 1 year quit. You must be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work. Enjoy 2015.xx
Congrats Mikej, on your 1 year quit, Here's to the new year and an even better one without the smokes !!

Hi mike. Well done for bring smoke free for 1 year. That is really good. I am really proud of you. Keep up the good work mate x

WOOHOO!!!!!! and a Massive congratulations on reaching your first year or many more being a non smoker.
Mahoosive congrats on your first year smoke free.YAY !!!! Hugs H
WHOOOOOFLIPPINFANTABULOUSHOOOOOO Mike, well done hun on a fantastic quit, 1year is amazing
best you get that flippin boss of yours on this site toooo
Loving that new bit of bling

Hi Mike, happy new year to you and fabulous job on one hear quit
You are absolutely right that you really have to want to quit to make a good go of it and you have done just brilliantly
Well Done Mike - Massive Milestone Achieved.
Massive congratulations on your year smoke free, well deserved