Afternoon Everybody, As our online community is growing - (we haven't even launched it yet!) I noticed that there is plenty of chat between you of where everyone is upto in their quit attempts. So, I thought I would start up a weekly chat blog so that you can check in daily and let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing...
However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog seperately on your quit story then please do so. Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.
Soooo..... chat away!
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This is my first week of stopping I'm now a non smoker. It is starting to get a bit difficult now, it would be so easy to give into the cravings, and my cough is driving me nuts, but I'm not gonna let it, no way are these cigarettes gonna brain wash me lol, i even went to a park yesterday and screamed my lungs out, i felt so much better after that, think i frightened some people though lol. The biggest help for me is to avoid certain foods, smoking is not enjoyable after a salad, so more fried foods no fish and chips (sob), just plenty fruit and Veg salads chicken, and water with lemon in it. Also walks and exercise help take my mind off the cravings as well. I know we can all do this, just don't let cigs rule you, bring out your inner power and find what works for you taking it a day at a time here's to a happy healthy future for all of us x
Hi Sue52, I'm Pete nice to meet you gal, it's my second attempt to stop, think it's harder going than the first time I'm about pulling my hair out and i havn't got much left as it is. I've dusted my rowing machine down so i'm giving that a bash, dont know which is the worst - cravings or the rowing ha ha. Your cough is normal gal, just your lungs cleaning themselves, it dosn't last long. I might try that screaming my lungs out thing myself, it may help me as well. Stick with it Sue your doing great gal, any probs have a word with Emjay.
Hi Pete nice to meet you to, i know what you mean about pulling your hair out i'm the same sometimes, and i have to go cold turkey cause of other medicine i'm on, that's when i scream lol. I know it's really hard, hang in there it should start to get easier, i hope. I try to think that i'm going through all this so i don't want it to be for nothing, hope the rowing machine helps you, i could never do that, i'm 53 but my body is 90 lol hope things get easier for you
Morning everyone, today is a brilliant day to combat the challenges of nicotine
I'm loving your stressbusting act Sue, as long as anyone else can see that you're safe then I think it's a cracking way to let it all out. With regards to eating a more healthy diet and not feeling the urge to smoke afterwards, it will get easier in time and there's no harm in the odd fish and chips
Pete, well done to you on starting up exercise. How long are you rowing for and do you measure how far you go? If so, you should notice a difference over the coming weeks.
As far as cravings are concerned; as tough a ride that they sometimes give you - the more that you welcome in, the weaker the craving becomes and as time goes by they will disappear.
Start of day 8 smoke free still a roller coaster ride seem to be clearing a lot of rubbish off my lungs Sue i also have a cough which is driving me mad being going to the gym a bit more not noticed the difference yet but hope i will as i am doing the London to Brighton bike ride for the second year should finish in a better state than i did last year Still finding it hard but will try to keep going
hi there i was a smoker of 20 to 40 fags a day up until just over 3 months ago and had been trying to stop for over 12 months. I still get cravings maybe twice aday but they are a lot easier to deal with my husband still smokes so it is hard but the worst thing i have found is when i stand beside a smoker went i am at the shops the smell makes my stomach turn to think i smelt like that. Yeah i have a cough but its not as bad as it was i also had a dry throat
Thats your first week under your belt then Garry and now into your next one, well done! You're right, stopping smoking can be quite a roller coaster of a ride and just as you feel you are doing so well, a craving sets in and can almost pull the rug from beneath you... then as soon as you think you are about to 'give in' - it just disappears and leaves you wondering whether or not it was that bad anyway...! London to Brighton? Thats some distance
nessmac, I admire anybody who still attempts to quit whilst their partner continutes to smoke. Stay strong whenever you are tempted, especially if it is when your husband smokes and as you said, the cravings do get easier to deal with over time. Just think of all the money you haven't wasted on cigarettes in those 3 months and how healthy you are becoming. You've done fantastic
Hi everybody just got home from work, nice one Garry I think the first week is the hardest keep up the good work pal.
Hi nessmac nice to see you here gal, 3months a thats magic gal especially when somebody else smokes in the house stick with it nessmac your doing great.
Aup Sue i tried that screaming at work last night, not bad, but i think aaaaggggghhhh works better with me when i get cravings. ha ha i'm sure my work mate thinks i've gone pottttty gal.
Hiya Emjay, i dont realy time myself on the rowing machine, just keep going untill i'm erm out of puff. I dont get very far on it either, its me that does the moving, scenery not to good either. its got a digital screen on it if i can find out how to use it, will let you know in a bit.
Hi again Emjay, did 2 mins, 110 strokes, 0.16 distance and burnt 36 calories, times by 3 lots. Know what your going to say gal, just like my school report for english, must try harder!!!! ha ha talking about harder i'm having a right job today with cravings for some reason!! I'm on patches again, does it matter where you stick them?? as in do they work better in some places than others?? i think they do on me or is that just psy_____cal -- in my head.
Have to go to bed now perhaps chat tomorrow, bet your geting fed up with me.
Look at the weather today, it is absolutly teaming down here! I bet everyone who has stopped smoking is so pleased they won't have to be standing out in the cold...
I hope you all noticed our new poll - asking what kind of information you would like with regards to stopping smoking. We would like to get a good balance of helpful hints and tips that lead to a smokefree future
Pete, I'm sure if you close your eyes whilst rowing... you could be anywhere... Lake Bled in Slovenia - right where Pete Reed, Olympic Champion Rower and Gold Medalist rows... You could be competing with him at the rate your going
With regards to the patches Pete, I would say eiother choose 7 different places on your body - one for each day of the week or your left arm one day and then your right arm the next, then the left arm the following day, maybe slightly lower or higher.. hope this makes sense? It doesn't really make any difference where you wear them, just as long as you do. You are doing ever so well and as you know, we are all here to support you all the way Mister
hi emjay, still off the ciggys. can you tell me does anyone find their taste buds have changed. I did have a chest infection, which i had antibiotics for. The antibiotics unfortunately gave me oral thrush. Now i dont know if it was the infection or the inhalator but some things taste different. Especially chocolate, which now tastes really bitter. Not a bad thing saves putting weight on. cheers Jilly girl.
Hi Jilly Girl, thats brilliant, you must be into your 4th week now With regards to how everything tastes to you, taking antibiotics, having a chest infection and on top of that having oral thrush can certainly lead to changes in your taste buds. I would suggest that you drink plenty of water and maybe try using a mouthwash. Because you have stopped smoking, your taste buds are repairing themselves and so is it any wonder that all new tastes may appear more noticable to you?
You are doing really well, just remember to stay positive
Well done to you all so far ... I've been smoke free over 8 weeks now and can honestly say I am a now non smoker .....went to visit a smoking friend yesterday and where we'd usually sit and have about 5 fags whilst drinking and gossiping .... she only had one ciggy all the time I was with her ... ..... don't get me wrong I still think about times when I would usually be smoking,,,, and as it's been raining all day today ... it's so lovely not having to go outside for a fag break
Good Morning Everybody. Weather seems to be perking up a bit today which will hopefully brighten up our day
Just reading your post Wonder, see how making a decision to stop smoking has had a beneficial impact on your friend too? Firstly, she was not being exposed to more secondhand smoke and secondly the amount that your friend actually smokes has been reduced too
Jillygirl has started a blog on how to stop the urge to smoke, so if you have any other hints or tips for those 'trying' moments, then please share on her 'stop the urge' blog.
Good morning to you all, and Emjay i think your right about the weather, I'm sure i've just seen the SUN!!!!!!! i bet you dont believe me, perhaps its something to do with the cravings. There a bit easier today for some reason, a bad day yesterday gal.
Hi Wonder, and well done to you tooooo gal, if i was you i would bye myself a new handbag or a pair of shues or put a deposit on a holiday, let your hair down and go for it. I think that is supercalerfradgerlisticexpealidosous gal.
Emjay have i spelt that right????? ha ha.
Hi Garry your doing superb pal, i too find exercising gets rid of that urge, what machines do you use at the gym?? or do you just pump iron to get rid!!
Emjay i took your advise and dreamed while i was rowing on the machine, allmost got to Skeggy!!!!! well its a start gal, take me a few weeks to get to Bled in slovenia though!!!!
Pete, you are doing fab, Mary Poppins would be so proud of you too! Just remember that the cravings are a positive sign that your body is recovering from your addiction to smoking. The more you put up a fight, the weaker they will become. You are doing great Mister
Morning all, I work up near Sheffield and it rained all night, finished work at 6am I live in Derby and it takes me an hour to get home, rained all the way, got home --flippin raining here as well!!!! anyway i've ordered some ''sunshine'' for next week to cheers us all up, and help us on our way.
Hi Sue52 just wandered if you were still going for walks in this weather, if not try walking up and down stairs a few times thats a good exercise, but please be carefull wont you gal.
Like Jillygirl says thank you Emjay and all the people behind you, for your support its helped me tremendously gal and it feels realy great to know i'm not alone this time, and other people are going down the same road as i am, 'Magic gal' Pete.
HI Pete glad ur still going strong, it's not easy but will be so worth it, could u send some sunshine up here to please, to under, although i have managed some walks we've had rain but sunshine in between so just have to time it right, can't go to far though cause of my arthritis, so stairs nearly impossible. would go swimming but can't swim, am scared too. Cravings were bad yesterday but i managed to overcome them, just, started to decorate my living room, or try to i'm not very good lol but it gives me something to do, at the t
rate i'm going it will probably take me 3yrs lol as long as we all have each other on here i'm sure we'll all triumph
Now day 12 still mad cravings attending gym more and more as bike ride (London to Brighton) just 2 months away Hope to finish in a better shape than last year Cough still bad loads of rubbish coming off lungs so thats got to be good I love this web site it contains some great information and support Have a nice weekend everone and who knows the sun may make its appearance
Aup Sue puff just puff missed you puff gal, bin rowing, cream crackered now gal, i'm ever so sorry didnt know you suffered with arthritis, dont even think of the stairs gal!!!!!!!! now swimming is very good, just wandered if your GP could get you help, as in a teaching pool or something, you would enjoy that, plus get you out of the house for a couple of hours. I will have a think and let you know. You take as long as you want with the decorating gal, I admire you for your courage to do things yourself, arthritis is a terrible thing, i hope i dont have it, i think i would go mad if i had gal. You keep that chin up of yours and i will send you some ''SUN'' next week, ok, speak to you soon Sue.
Good Morning Everybody, at least with all this rain we'll have lovely fresh greenery about!
Thats a fair drive Pete - when you used to smoke, did you smoke in the car? If so, how have you managed to overcome travelling on these journeys to and from work? You're doing really well and I am so proud of you and really hope you are too!
Hey Garry, what type of cravings are you getting now? Do you feel that they are physical or psychological? Let me know and I'll see what advice we can give to help you. Please don't think that psychological withdrawal are just wishy washy and can be taken lightly, these need a lot more planning and strenth so as to be able to combat!
Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy Sue, as I just said to Garry, what type of cravings have you been getting? With regards to swimming, as Pete suggest, there may be something that your GP can recommend - like a GP referral to your local sports centre?
As it's Friday, check your diary and see if you have anything planned over the weekend that might require some thinking and preparation to prevent any chance of relapse. Maybe if you are going out for a drink or having an evening in with a glass of your favourite tipple... what strategies do you have at the ready to stop you feeling that a cigarette would make things nicer?... Which we all know it doesn't really. Any hints and tips could be posted on JillyGirls 'Stop the urge' blog.
Whether you have recently stopped smoking, just thinking about it or want to share your stopping smoking stories, then this is the place to be.
It's lovely to see that you are all supporting each other and sharing all your hints, tips and experiences.
Hi Emjay cravings are more psychological, getting anxious cause there'sno cigs in the house, it doesn't help that that is a symptom of my under active thyroid, even when on meds, so i just start scraping walls or batter a pillow lol, swimming holds a real fear for me, when in primary school my teacher pushed me into the deep end and i nearly drowned, only quick thinking of pool staff saved me so don't know if i could do this. good luck carry with your bike ride, there's no way i could do that lol,
Not sure just fancy a ciggie but the feeling is very strong I will resist as i do not want to get back on them Again thanks for all your support
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply togarryg
Aup Garry bugger fancing a fag man, get your best toggs on and get out there, and fancy a woman instead, go for it pal, i've got a feeling tonights the night. Its friday the weekend, 'ENJOY'
Alright Pete very funny Mate Sounds like you are doing excellent mate keep going watch them old fruit pastels
Have a nice weekend
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toEmJay
Hi Emjay i hope your well, yes i did smoke in my van going too and throw from work, i think that is one of the hardest times for me, with cravings that is, but i did what i did the first time, planned my quit date and that weekend i cleaned the carpets-dashboard-seats, everything, so on my quit date i got in my van and it smelt realy nice, as in no stale smoke smells and that helped me a lot, darnt smoke in it now!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus i used to have 4 siggies on the way, now i have a fruit pastel when i feel the urge. So far its working, although this morning if i had had a sigarette in my van- i think i would have had it, there are some stupid drivers about gal there are, but him upstairs spared me again dont know why!!!!! but apart from that so far so good as they say. I hope thats answered your queston gal. Got to sit down and think now gal about Sue, thats twice i've got it wrong, the stairs - now the swimming too, i will think of something.
Your not on here at weekends are you????? if not Emjay you have a good one and hey not too much discoing.
You are so supportive Pete, you really are a breath of fresh air!
If you just keep on, keeping on we'll get you there, but you really are!
As for the weekend, we do check in... Wouldn't like to think that somebody needs help and there isn't anybody around for them... So will be popping on and off.. you should feel some sort of presence, hovering somewhere above your left shoulder spurring you on Mister
Hi Sue, sorry to hear about your swimming baths experience, it's such a shame that this has had a lifetime effect on you. It might still be worth speaking to you GP though about GP referral as they might have something like light yoga or Tai Chi that you could attend.
It's probably really good that you haven't got any cigarettes in the house actually. Some people say that they keep just one somewhere in their home, slightly out of reach, however if you do have a moment of weakness, and that cigarette seems to suddenly have a loud voice shouting your name, then it is so easy to give in to it. If it's not there then you won't be tempted. As time passes, then so will this feeling.
Just keep on staying positive as you really have come so far
Sue if your listening gal, you are not alone, we are all with you, i dont know whether you like music or not but i luv it, some old and some new, erm there is a pop star called Bruno Mars who is ''american'' but he is ace gal, he writes his own songs and sings them, a man after my own heart, if you get the chance just listen to one of his songs for me please, its called '' Count on me '' by Bruno Mars, and thats the support your geting here gal.
Pete ur so kind i love music of all kinds including bruno mars, although i haven't heard that one, i love dancing to music as i try to get my housework done, i usually give up and just dance lol glad you've managed to drive without smoking that's a hard one with all the nutters on the road they do my head in and i don't drive lol i like this site and being able to speak to everybody it really cheers me up and u need that with all my health issues take care and stay strong
Good Morning Everybody, looks like that sunshine that Pete booked in for us is starting to make an appearance... Thanks Pete!
Having your music on whilst cracking on with the housework makes the chore less of a chore... It's also a great stress buster and will certainly help the times of craving pass away.
Hope everyone is ready to move another step ahead in their stopping smoking plan.
Onwards and upwards, today is a good day and I'm loving the Bruno Mars song!
Morning everyone i love the bruno mars song Pete and thanks for sending the sun up here, it's nice to see blue sky hope ur training for your bike ride is going great garryg, i couldn't do that to scared of the traffic lol I'm feeling good today, so far at least, hope it stays all day, gonna get spring cleaning, if my hands let me lol, have some mint for when craving kicks in, as it's bound to show it's ugly face at some point so will kick it out the door i just have to stay mentally strong, a big job for me, i'm nutty as a fruit cake. Stay strong everyone and we'll get through this hope you all have a happy smoke free weekend
Hi all, i'm glad you like the Bruno Mars song i think it's lovely too, Huh sounds like you've all got the SUN, note but flippin clowd here, and it gives terenchal erm loads of rain tonight as well.
I'm having a bad day with the cravings for some reason, not so bad yesterday.
Done the food shopping at the supermarket realy enjoyed that getting run over and bashed by the trolls, just lovely, got home put everything away---- forgot the tats, so had to go to the village shop to get some, got to the counter to pay for them----- and there they were---loads of ciggies on the shelf, was i tempted or what!!!!! but i felt something on my left shoulder, it wasn't a parrot!!
Thankyou Emjay i could have quite easily bought a pack, thankyou again young Lady for your help.
Sorry your having a hard time today Pete, i was like that yesterday so i put some music on and danced the cravings away, not a pretty sight lol, just think why you stopped, have you treated yourself with the money you've saved, that's always fun, just don't let them brain wash u, cause that's what there doing, maybe forcing yourself to think about something else that you enjoyed or made u laugh i'd send a tape of me dancing that would do it lol but don't have a camcorder i hope your day gets better and easier for you we're all here for you and willing you on, stay strong, don't let the little devils win, your better than them
Hello everyone, it's lovely to meet you all! I am brand new here and I quit yesterday so nothing really to woo hoo about quite yet! Loving the community here and have learned some great tips.
Hi Lenne great to have you here and yes you can woo hoof cause you've stopped smoking, this is a great site, everyone is so kind and helpful, it's what keeps me going, know that everyone is here for you and will help you all they can, and have great tips for helping to beat the cravings and you can ask Emjay for help she's brill
Hello Sue52! Thankyou I am going to try the fruit pastilles idea, I think that sounds fantastic. I will have to balance that with an hour of dancematting a day though- that should definitely help with those pesky cravings!
Aup Lenne, you've got here then, please read the comments, we are all the same as you gal, only in different stages, we try to help each other if we can, and please let your feelings out, so that we have got some idea of what your going through, it may help somebody else as well!!!!!
Hey Monky! Thanks for pointing me in the direction of this thread! I must admit I haven't had anything horrific since yesterday morning. I woke up, my first morning without cigs, and cried for two hours solid it was horrible. I simply didn't know how to deal with what I was feeling. So, I got some patches, and calmed down a lot! The only time the cravings really kick me in the face is when I am bored or after dinner and on a scale of 1-10 they are probably only a level 4 so I am nervously pleased but waiting for the depression to kick in- I guess it's going to happen isn't it at some point..
Hi again Lenne, you are doing fantastic gal, you've made the first crucial step to living again, and I love the way you express your feelings, not many people can do that gal, I really really admire you for your determination young lady, and i tell you now you have just helped me, because i have had a bad day today with cravings, God at the rating i'm going i will have to buy a wig, mind you, thinking about it, i could be blonde, or redhead, have pony tails, ha ha , what do you think gal, Hey Lenne we are all here to learn, and help, and there is loads of support gal.
It's lovely to read how well you have all been supporting each other. You're all amazing
Well, almost another week gone by and reading through all the posts above there have been plenty of highs and lows and ups and downs - all of which can be the normal process when stopping smoking.
Lenne, sometimes when you stop smoking, you may feel a bit down in the dumps, but this should only be temporary. Try out some breathing exercises to help you and try to see these feelings as a positive sign
How are you doing today Pete? It's really important to recognise how you are feeling through your cravings and deal with them. If you just keep pushing them to the back of your mind, then they'll always find a way to creep back out with a bit more energy next time. Facing up to them makes them weaker. Have a read through today's blog about cravings and see if you can look at how you see them in a different way... Remembering that over time they will get easier. :-0
Sue, hope the spring cleaning went well... I'm loving you're stress busting dancing to music idea, it's fun and can only cheer you up. Keep at it. With regards to being a bit nutty, here's you're mate!
It looks like that torrential rain has hit us, just as our lovely weatherman Pete predicted!
If there's anybody out there having to smoke outside, then hopefully this weather will steer them into the right direction to a smoke free future!
Hi Emjay sorry your getting rain it's lovely and sunny up here, got half spring cleaning done will do more another day, i love music and dancing, it helps in so many ways, get my mind off smoking, makes me feel good if feeling down, and helps to stop my joints from going stiff. Having not a bad day today, was worse yesterday, but i find trying to help others helps me as well as it focuses my mind on positive things, and welcome to my club, i love being nutty
Hi guys and gals, hope your all ok, it's flippin pi erm raining dead hard here, and windy too, Mother nature wind by the way, well most of it, but i'm looking forward to next week and sunshine, if it comes. I have ordered it honest.
Sue keep that dancing up gal, give it some rock n roll gal, ha ha, that takes me back some years, when i was swinging my hips, good exercise though Sue.
Emjay i luv ya gal, nipped down to the shop this morning to get a paper, and i new you were on my left shoulder and i didnt even look at the fags on the shelf, well may have had a quick one, but it didnt bother me what so ever. Although i'm having a hard day today as well, its really hurting today.
Lenne I thank you for that lovely, lovely huggggg gal, it was just what i needed keep in there gal, we are all with you and dont you forget that.
Sue i joined the nutters club years ago gal, its a great feeling, got to go now and do some more rowing, more puffing and coughing.
Monky! Big hugs right back at you. Blimey this is a wonderful group everyone makes me smile!
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toLenne
Hi Lenne, my names Pete by the way i am such a lucky old boy to get these lovely big huggs from you and Emjay on my left shoulder, what more could a man want to help him.
I'm so glad you like this site, and it does help, well me anyway gal.
Keep in there gal we are all with you, and like i say you too are helping me so much, and i am truely enjoying those big hugs you keep giving me, i carnt thank you enough young lady,they are GORGEOUS. Hugs are what i miss the most . Ask us anything you like gal, if we cant answer it i know a WOMAN that can----- ''Emjay'' she will help you. Good night gal and sweet dreams .
its great to share with others im using an electronic cig its great and i dont get too much in the way of cravings. the first weeks iwas so down it was horrible i get depressed anyway im now on 6 weeks and feeling a bit better i cut down on the elec ciggie but i will keep one for when i have a bad day good luck to you all that craving soon passes have a drink of water when it comes it helpsxx
Been the seaside today .... with the extra money already saved we could afford a day out as a family in Bridlington. 10 weeks smoke free and still loving every moment of being free. I'm also loving how good it feels to treat the people I love (even if it's fish n chips at a pub or an ice cream) ... and not waste money on fags.
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