Daily Chat : Wednesday 23rd May 2012 - Quit Support

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Daily Chat : Wednesday 23rd May 2012

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer
24 Replies

Good Morning all,

It's gorgeous here again, gives it hotter than yesterday, :) the forcast has just been on the radio, it said SNOW showers down South :D :D

I've just been reading through some of your comments from last night, and do you know what???? we are a fantastic bunch of people, and we should all give ourselves a huge pat on the back for getting this far!! : tcc56 - 4 weeks, Andi1965 - on your 6th week, Andi22 - 3weeks, Sue52 - 5weeks, Lenne you must be on your 4th week, Jillygirl - is it 8weeks now? , i've done - 4weeks, Emjay - gosh how many weeks you done gal???? :)

I would like to say that i dont think i would have got this far, if it was'nt for this super site, and all of you and your help, a big big thankyou to you all. :)

Pete. :)

Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....

However, if you have any specific questions, then please still post in the questions section, or if you want to blog seperately on your quit story then please do so.

Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing.

Soooo..... chat away!

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monky profile image
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24 Replies
andi22 profile image

Morning Pete, just back from spinning. Have you had you ears checked out lately - I'm sure they would have said "NO showers" down south But I need to have one now!! :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Morning Andi,

Aup you want your back scrubbin gal ????

As for snow showers, maybe my keyboards gone a bit aol 'a' :o :|

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Morning Emjay, i hope your ok gal, just to let you know i've sent some messages this morning and 3 of them came up error on page at the bottom left :o , so i had to highlight it, copy it, come out of the page i was on, go back into the page, then paste it !! then it seems to work ok :) , just thought i would let you know :| speak soon.

Pete. :P

sue52 profile image

Morning everyone what another lovely sunny day we're having, hope this keeps up, but knowing Dundee we won't get it much longer so i'm gonna go out a walk soon and enjoy it :) hope you all have a craving free day :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Morning Sue, you sound better than you were gal, and ''no'' i've ordered the sun to stay with you all day long gal, i have 8-)

You ENJOY IT Sue, you deserve it gal ;)

Andi's bin and done some spinning this morning, Sue dont even go there gal cus i aint trying that again, well not on my rowing machine anyway!!!! :o See you later Suepagal


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Andi just to let you know, on the way home this morning, i called at the co-op to get some bits, and guess what!!!! i bouhgt a packet of pistachios :D yum yum i'm just munchin on them now, £2.30 for 235 grams, they've got 1,452.3 cals in them, but what the heck!!!! :o

Just been reading on the back of the packet, it says, Warning- allergy advice- ''contains nuts'' ha ha , its got NUTS on the front of the pack!!!! tell you what Andi they aint half morrish, are they one of you favorites, yum yum :P bye

Pete. 8-)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

I think the best ones come from Lidl - nearly stopped off on my way home just now to get some but forced myself to drive past as I'm sure my tummy's getting bigger!!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Pete, I must agree with you this site really helps me stay focused. If I feel a bit agitated or get a bit of a craving I just log in to this site and think , how silly I am. With everyone else getting similar emotions. Yes Its a lovely warm and sunny day here too. Unusual for Yorkshire. Keep up the good work Pete.


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Hi Jillygirl, sounds like your ok gal, but like you, as stupid as it sounds, it does work, cus thats what i do :| but you are not silly, cus if you are :o then that means i am, huh maybe a bit then!!

Just wondering do you know Nora Batty????? :D Keep in there Jilly, we will get there gal we will. Enjoy!! 8-) rite goin to bed now, see if i can get a couple of hours kipp. Speak later Jilly, snorr!! snorr!!

Pete. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

hi pete, Nora batty! No dont know her and no i dont have the wrinkly stockings. Although I probably am batty. Well my hubby keeps saying I am as daft as a bat. or is a brush? ah well you know i`m nutty anyway.

Hope you managed a bit of shut eye. Catch up later.


andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to jillygirl

Hi Jilly (or have you now got a new name Nora!?)

Just come home and it said 26c on my car thermometer. Finding it a bit tough today and really getting through my mints despite the weather.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Hi andi 25c. here know what you mean , I have been eating melon straight from the fridge. Very nice except i have now eaten a whole one and got myself a tummy ache. serves me right i suppose. Why dont you try the choc/ mint ice lollies or ice cream for a change. take care love.

let you know what dentist says tmoz. Jillygirl.

Lenne profile image

I wish it was snowing down south. I am one of those freaks that hate the sun. I am very light sensitive so I get headaches from the sunshine and the heat makes me vomit. I think I have worked out why I am so glum this week, its the flippin' weather :( I am going to sit in the freezer. *sulks* PS big hugs to you all!!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Lenne

AW Lenne, i'm so sorry gal, and your not a freak!!!!, it is'nt your fault is it, and i ''do'' know something about what you are going through, cus Kev one of the drivers at our place, can't even take his jacket off in the summer, cus the suns rays even penertrate through his shirt, and he comes out in a rite rash!!!!, if i was like him i think i would have topped myself by now :( cus i'm a sun luver 8-)

Look i dont know where you live, but if i could i would order ''SNOW'' for you gal :) my heart goes out to you, Lenne, it does!!

Just on a lighter note, is your freezer a stand up one???? if so maybe you could buy a chest freezer, with the money you have saved from not smoking!!!! then you would be able to lay down in it, :D but you watch them frozen chickens gal, they aint half lumpy, and if one falls on your ed, it urts!!!! Hey and whats this ''flippin'' bit???? :| thats my line :X

See you soon Lenne, look after yourself, and keep smiling, and those piggies will vanish!!!! :) Loads of huggggs Lenne, you keep in there gal, luv ya ;)

Pete. :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to Lenne

Oh dear, that's a shame - perhaps you should swop with Sue as I'm sure it's a lot colder in Scotland than we have down here on the south coast. Maybe a walk on the beach would help you I've just come back and there's a really fresh breeze down there. (Maybe you could wear a burka - difficult to smoke in one of those too!!) :D 8-)

Lenne profile image

Haha Pete, yeah I think subconciously I pinched your flippin' my bad! I shall hand it back to you tomorrow but I need to borrow it today ;) I only have one of those rubbish small freezers and I got told off leaving door open (doh) so I set up a fan which is currently blowing hot air at me. I have spotted some ham in the freezer though, so I think I will punish those piggies by eating ham tonight heck yeah! Take that piggies!!!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to Lenne

Hey Lenne, you keep that flippin for as long as you want gal, as for the ham, give it some :P just a small point!! could you put the fan inside the freezer, to blow cold air out!!!! :| . rite i am goin to bed now, sweet dreams Pete :)

Lenne profile image

Sleep well m'darling, be well and happy :)

EmJay profile image

Afternoon Everybody :-)

I'm a bit late on here today as I've been in meetings for the best part of the day :o

Thanks for starting our day off Pete, you're a goodun' :-) Not sure what is going on with the site problems, I shall have to report it to the HealthUnlocked hosts again I think. I still have problems with having to sign in all the time!

Wowser, look at the length of time you have all quit for! You are all doing amazingly well, all in your own individual ways :-)

For those of you who love this weather, just try and be prepared for what the happy sunshine may bring - memories of times (maybe last year) when you used to sit out in the sun with a nice cold drink and a smoke. There may be a chance that those sneaky cravings, big or small will make their way into your mind and make these memories look all happy and colourful... Remember that they are the demons and only making everything look pretty. Really though, they are what they are... memories of past.

Life is different now, much healthier. Keep on doing what you are doing and stay on track to continue ahead into your smokefree future :-)

Lots of posts for me to catch up on here, so off I pop! I'm loving all your smilies ;-)

sue52 profile image

Sorry i've not been on today but my dad died this afternoon so i've been dealing with that, i may not be on for a couple of days as i try to sort things out and organise the funeral :( keep strong x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to sue52

Hi Sue, I'm so so sorry to hear about your Dad gal, my heart goes out to you and your family. You have a good cry Sue, because it does help, i know that, because i did some of that when my Dad died. If there is anything i can do, just ask, 'ok'

I'm with you all the way gal, as i'm sure the rest of us on here are too.

You keep strong too Sue, thinking about you.


jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to sue52

Sue so sorry to hear about your dad. My heart goes out to you. Keep strong love, I am sure he would have wanted you to be.

I know people say time heals. When my dad passed away i thought it was the end of the world. but time does heal, and as long as you loved each other you will never forget. xx

sue52 profile image

Thanks Pete it was a shock cause he's never been ill, it's not hit me yet cause i've got to much to think about and do, will be back in a couple of days

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to sue52

Hi Sue, so sorry to hear your news - always a big shock for everyone when it happens sudenly like that.

Thinking of you at this sad time and hoping that those piggies keep on flying past!


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