Hello new to this website and forum and going through the same problem I am 32 and have hypertension high blood pressure and thyroid problems hypothyroidism and Polycythemia blood disorder and depression and Musculoskeletal problems and anxiety panic disorder and for a guy feel like hell especially with CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My brother now has hypothyroidism same as me but also has a hole in his heart archaic and asthma so yes it’s hard I am trying to quit smoking but it’s so hard because I feel terrible heart attack waiting to happen.
New To Quit Smoking Forum : Hello new to this... - Quit Support
New To Quit Smoking Forum

You came to the right place then.. this is a great support group.. I'm here all the time seems like but so far no smoking.. and you can do the same I'm sure of it.. hug's and good luck..
Thank you for the reply. I have tried and tried to quit I get stressed than my blood pressure goes up last reading 147 high number 91 low number pulse 97 so yes not good I know. I need to manage my anxiety and stress and smoking before I end up in a worse situation.
Well we gotta work on that cause that sure ain't good...☹️
Thank you Nope it ain’t good I know I am a heart attack waiting to happen and that scares me my brother had asthma for years and now has a hole in his heart archaic I think and now has hypothyroidism same as me and only nine years older than me. I don’t want to end up like that the thought is definitely worries me.
Then yeah is time to quit.. have you picked a good quit date to start??
Thinking later tonight
Are you going cold turkey or what hon cause we have some great pin ups that can help you and a board as well to read.. and always someone to chat with on here 😁
Trying cold turkey but not sure if that’s a good idea after 18 years of smoking.
You might want to check with one of the administrators on that hon..😊
Good morning to you and welcome to this very kind site - kind but realistic I think one could describe it, but good advice is what you came here for I am sure. I can assure you on one thing, holes in the heart (not the outer wall as one would bleed through it) are a congenital disease - you are born with it - so along with your rather high blood pressure, I would discuss the heart and Blood Pressure at the same time, since it is just possible you may also have something amiss with your heart, although you do not mention your age, the possibilities are you would have probably been checked out earlier in your life. The BP does warrant a check for millions of people develop high blood pressure as they grow older - all down to the stresses of life and not looking after our health.
I am always amazed at peoples courage when they decide to give up smoking on Christmas Day or New Years eve - cold turkey as well. It is not unfair to say that both times of year can be very stressful, what with families and money going short. If you have made your mind up, thats great but just to realise it could be stressful with no help at all - just food for thought. If you went via a chemist, they can still refer you to a telephone help line that would support you and supply what ever you needed to help you stop.
I stopped six years ago now and my wife is in her fourth month and although she thought it was going to be difficult, after the first week or ten days (getting over the addiction of the nicotine) and has had the added pleasure of giving some really lovely presents with the money she has saved over that time. Plus some nice treats for herself too. In the years I have stopped I bought myself a new Porsche and after I build the kit, I think I'll choose red to paint it.
Go for what you want - no one appears to be making you do it, so go for it. As they say, it makes sense and will help your health massively. Good luck and Happy New Year

Welcome Den to Quit Support, Great to have you join us.
Sorry to hear you have health problems, however quitting smoking will benefit you, and you wont be tempting a heart attack.
First of all may I suggest you read through the pinned posts which are on the right or the bottom of this page, depending on which device your using. These cover anxiety , planning your quit, tips on when you get cravings etc.
Set yourself a quit date, make a plan, and stick to it. Once you have decided then discard anything related to smoking, eg. ashtrays lighters cigarettes matches etc.
Drink plenty of water to help detox your body. Do some breathing exercises to expand your lungs (these are in the pinned posts)
We are all here to help you on your quitting journey.
Write yourself a note with the reasons your quitting and put it somewhere where you see it every day.
Please let us know when you have an exact quit date and we can then assign you a progress badge and add you to our wall of winners.
Look forward to supporting you. xx
Thank you jillygirl I will take a look at the anxiety and meditation I think it might help I was thinking tomorrow morning because that’s my worst time when I wake up and when I feel anxious and when I am likely to smoke more setting the day off for disaster.
Den. Welcome to Quit Support, 103063 and Jilly have already given you some good advice, but if you get stressed when you wake up tomorrow, come on here and read our friendly members comments and chat..... comment and join in the conversation wherever you like, we are all equal here.
For now I bid you goodnight. 👍😀
Just give us a shout we will be here ready to support you. xXXX
Thank you so much I really do appreciate it thinking of all the times I have had good friends die due to drugs or drinking or smoking and the way my brother is right now makes me want to break down and cry honestly I lost a good friend a guy I used to know who was a classic car restorer who would drink at least 8 cans of strong bow a day he died of cardiac arrest he’s son a drug addict inherited everything and truthfully blew it on drugs. Sadly also no longer alive. That makes me sad and emotional thinking about all those memories of the past when things were good before disaster happened.
Hey Jillygirl I wanted to know more about detox. I'm 2 months smoke free and lung and chest still feel swimmy and heavy feeling.. I was told it was normal.
HI Jtickle, welcome to quit support. Well done on achieving 2 months, that is fantastic.
When you quit smoking your lungs start to clear out all the toxins and rubbish from usually years of smoking. Your blood will also be clearing the impurities and your circulation will improve. There is no magic way of de-toxing your body.
We advise to drink plenty of water, as this will help flush out the toxins. Deep breathing exercises and general exercise will expand your lungs and make them stronger.
If you are reall suffering by 3 months and not getting any improvement, I would suggest you contact your doctor. They sometimes prescribe tablets( Carboceistine) which can help shift the mucus which causes that heavy feeling in your chest. Dont be afraid to cough up any phlegm its your bodies way of ridding toxins.
We have a lot of information in the pinned posts which can help you and lots of tips.
These can be found to the right or bottom of this page, depending on what device your using.
I will assign you a progress badge which will be next to your name. I have put your quit date as 09/09/2020 if this is incorrect please let me know.
Look forward to supporting you. 😊👍✖✖

Hi Den and welcome to Quit Support👋
Lots of good advice already so I’ll just say that quitting is the very best gift you can give yourself for a better future👍🏼
Stay close as we’re all here to help🚭✅xx
iT IS GONNA BE A HARD SLOG.Pace yourself.gradually rather than cold turkey.you get there...withdrawal is hard, but persevere..You are on the right site...
Hey guys! Due to this coronavirus situation, I decided to quit smoking. I heard vaping is used like a some kind of a step towards getting rid of the addiction. Is it true? If so, could you recommend me some stores where I can purchase a gadget? I found this one vapingdaily.com/, but maybe there's something else.