Hi to all my friends hope all are doing well. I had a good day yesterday and today is good, But it dawned 😏on me when I think possitive aboul all ( and I mean all) of my body is in Repair from smoking , When we cut or injur an area that can be seen we give it some tender care,BUT because we cant SEE the Blood Cells,Heart,Brain etc all Internal Organs we sometimes ignore the fact that these areas are also in Repair from all the CIGS we have smoked 👍I for one was in compleat DENIAL of this addiction , I wanted to share this because I have found When The craving is bad I need to hug and give myself some love because now I am not punishing my body,(hope this make sence) hugs to all⭐️
Feeling good: Hi to all my friends hope all are... - Quit Support
Feeling good

Hannon that makes complete sense!! When we are quitting we need to be patient with ourselves and kind to our body because it's having to handle so many changes.xxx

Hi Hannon, yes it makes complete sense to be kind to ourselves, both mentally and physically. Smoking is so damaging and we are going through so many changes, we need to remember to reward our body, mind and soul.

Thanks for sharing this lovely post Hannon, self love is very important👍🏼
Thanks for reminding us of this💐😀xx

Wonderful post Hannon and I think you’ve absolutely hit the nail on the head. Self care is key not just while you’re going through this process but it’s a practice for life. After all, of you don’t look after you, respect and love yourself how can you expect another to afford you the same privilege? You are beautiful and unique in your own right. Much love, Poll x

Thank you much love to you 🤗 m