Can someone tell me how to use the nicorette inhaler properly
Help with inhalers: Can someone tell me how to... - Quit Support
Help with inhalers
Hi Andy I think I used then way back when on another quit.... Is it white and you stick a cartridge in it?? If so you should just take a couple of puffs to get rid of the craving?? I think that's how it worked... However I think Andrew-S used one with his quit so hopefully he'll come and explain better than me (once he gets himself out of bed that is ๐๐)
Thanks for that
Hahaha I just got out of bed can't believe iv slept for 9 days??? Where does the time go.
Hopefully ur well set with ur inhalator. They are really good I used it all the time almost as a comfort.
I see the others explained how to use it. I had it stuck in my mouth practically 24/7 lol. ๐

Sorry can't help you either๐ฎ๐ฎ
No worries I'm sure someone else might be able to help

I remember monky saying point it at the roof of your mouth and putt putt๐ not puff puff like a ciggy so hope that makes sense๐ณ
Ok thanks for your help

Hi Andy , I used an inhalator when I quit. You can buy different strength cartridges to put in. The pharmacist can advise you.
I used them for about 3 months. Each month I gradually reduced the strength and by 3 months didnt need any cartridges.
Another tip is Boots chemist do their own brand and is just the same as the nicorette.
They usually are cheaper and often have special offers on them.
Good luck. xx
Sorry for the late reply had a silly virus on my laptop, so been waiting patiently.
Thanks for the great advise,I'm starting my life without cigarettes tomorrow but still feeling a bit worried !!

Good Luck Andy, take one day at a time, shout out if you need help๐
Good luck Andy for tomorrow make sure you change your routine around a bit first thing to help get out of the habit and keep this site real close ๐

Aup Andy and thankyou for asking the question
this is what we want
if anybody is'nt sure how to use an NRT product, then please, please, just ask
Rite Andy, the inhalator, as our lovely Briarwood has said, put the tip into your mouth, pull the outside piece down, sooo, the inside tip is pointing to your upper gums and sort of tut it a few times
this way you should get almost instant relief and it will last longer
Thanks guys have just made it through my first morning normally the worst part of my day,I changed my routine by having some toast with my tea instead of a cigarette. Also had some very weird dreams last night wearing a clear24 hr patch,would it be ok to remove before I go to bed and put it on in the morning ?
Yeh might be worth doing that people have said the patches can make you have strange dreams. Well done on getting through so far keep it going ๐
Thanks for that will give it a go. One thing that has helped me today I have downloaded an app on my phone called Smoke Free,it gives you a real time update on all aspects that effect you personally. Very encouraging !!!!!

I use one , just puff on it to get the taste. One cartridge last me a couple of days.