Today is day 7 I quit smoking and I have to say it's the worst day by far !!! I just want the urges to go away already !!! When will I feel normal again ????
Help !!! : Today is day 7 I quit smoking and I... - Quit Support
Help !!!

Hello loveliza firstly welcome to this quit family ๐๐
Secondly.... Whoohoo a week is fantastic well done you ๐๐๐
Thirdly..... We are all different so no two quits are the same, however it does get better, you just have to let your body readjust to not having 4000+ toxins in it ๐
Have a good mooch around the site as some of the pinned posts will help you ๐
Remember every single one of us have been where you are now so we know what it's like. Keep the faith, stay strong and remember NOPE Not One Puff Ever...... We are here for ya so just shout and holler and someone will give you a hand ๐๐
Hi Loveliza! Welcome to the Quit Support family! First it gets "different", then it gets BETTER!!! Deep breathing and maybe a little extra exercise helped (helps) me with the urges, Check out some of the pinned posts for some good advice and a better understanding of what's happening to your brain and body as you withdraw from nicotine -- AND cleanse yourself from a whole lot of poison!
At day 7 you are still fairly early in recovery -- but should start to improve SOON!
Let us know how you are doing!
Good morning lovelizaโ๏ธ
I felt pretty out of it for 3 weeks..... I was exhausted and I had headaches and insomnia If it wasn't for this site, I would have lit up again This site explained withdrawal in detail for me thank God and reading everyone's struggles helped so much
Keep this site close. Check out the adverts !!! Scared me from lighting up!!
And congrats on 1 week๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ I thought the hardest week
Arizona ๐ท

Thank you everyone !!! Your kind words are keeping me motivated
Well done on getting to day 7 that's brilliant. Have u got any patches or gum to help with the urges? I use both and find it helps loads would not be strong enough to do it without and would go back. Stay determined and focused not to go back no matter what and u will get thru it ๐

Hiya Liza and welcome to quit support๐
Your first week over, so a huge well done for that๐๐ผ
Some days are harder than others and we have to dig deep and stay determined but it really will all be worth it.
It takes a while for our bodies to heal so I think we have to be patient with ourselves.
Remind yourself how well you're doing and look in the mirror and say I'm a non smoker, yeah๐๐ผ
Keep repeating NOPE๐ญ Not one puff ever and you're gonna smell better, look better and you will also feel better so keep on going๐x

hiya liza and a big warm welcome to quit support
Well done on your decision to quit smoking :) and congratulations for getting through your first week as a non smoker
These cravings are hard and they do get better
Try distracting yourself, go for a walk, sip water as this helps flush out the toxins,
Have a read of some of the articles under the pinned posts to the right, especially the breathing ones
Stay determined and dont let ole mr nic try and get you back smoking...this is all part of the quitting process and i promise you it will get better.
Does this make your quit date the 17th of November?
Thank you so much...I am struggling right now..It has never been this bad...I want to cry right now
Yes my quit date is Nov 17th
awesome, Loving your shiny week 1 badge
being tearful is also very common.
I really do feel for you as I so remember those days so well.
Have you read Allen Carrs easy way to quit smoking. This has helped a number of our members to quit and is valuable as a pdf download,
I will go look and see if i can find a link for a copy.
It will act as a distraction for you too.
Try turning negative thinking into positive thoughts - easier said than done but try planning what you can buy with the extra money - us girls love to shop
I will go look for that link for you
Thank you for being so kind i don't see a badge where can i find it ?
beside your name it should show 1 week winner??
we update these weekly for the first couple of months and then monthly. seeing these helps new members, its great knowing that there are others around the same time as them and also seeing members who have been quit for a long time is also encouraging.. This quit support group has helped many members remain smoke free and i am definitely one of them's funny you sent me the link to allen carr was going to library today to get it...Thx agin

I am on day 11

Hang in there, I am on day 11 and had a really poopy time on day 3 and day 8 & 9, just take each day at a time. I`m sure you will have a better day tomorrow. Everyone`s different. Just try and focus on oh my breath smells better, I can now take a nice deep breath and keep doing that while you are having a craving. That is what I do.. And if it is the fact that you are not handling stress, when you feel frusterated, remove yourself from the situation, leave the room and take a few breath`s and then go back to what you were doing. Don`t want to sound like a know it all, cause I'm not I am just sharing what I do that helps me. Everyone`s different, good luck..
PS this is like the 10th time I have tried quitting, so far so good